Chap.2.Seet.4. Ll)okingunto 1efm. Book IV.P<~rt. VI. 979 will be then betwixt Chr ifl: and Chriilians! oh what communication of glory will there be to each otOer! the[e foal/ wa.Jk.:with we ' (faith Chrifi) (or they are "'orthf. Rcv.'H·• 0 my foul,ifthis be the bufinefs ofChri(ts interceffion,if all thefe particulars are .contained in the bowels of this one tranfaction,how is it that thou art not in a fainting fwoon ? how is it that thou art not gafping,groaning fickunto death wirh the velu~ment thirfl: after thy part and pomon in Chrifis interceffion ? if there be fuch a thing as the paffiou ofdefire in this heart ofmine, 0 that now it would breJk out!oh that it would yent it felf with mighty lon~ings, and infi nite afpirings after this blelfed object! why Lord I aefire, but hel p thou my faint ddires; blow on my dyin·g {park, it is but little; and if I know any· thi ng of my heart, I would have it more; oh thJt myfp! rk would flame! why Lord I defire that I -might clire ; ob breach it into me, and I will de fire after thee. ---------------- S E C T, 4• 0( hoping in refm in tl;at rejjutl. 4 · L Ec us hope in ] efm , carrying on th is work of our f.llvarion in his iJ good that a man foou/d hopt ·Indeed if Lam 3 ,2 11, it wm: not for hope the heart would not hold: only look that our hope be rrue hope :. very hypocrites have a kind of hope, but if Gods Word be true, th~ hop~ of unjuft ~ell {hall perifh.- W6at iJ the P.ov.I r; 7 • hop~ oft he h]pocrite? -Will God he~~r hu cry when trou/;le cometh up· on him? No,no; th~ hypocriteJ hope foall perifo; hi! hop~ fb.,o be cut off, Job '1.7 .8,9. and hi! trufl foa!J be~ a SpiderJ web.O my foul h. ope i11 7ef m,but rcfl: Job;s. 13 , 14 ; not t il l thou canfl: g•ve a reaion of thy hope, till thou canfl:prove that they are the hop~s which grace, and not onely nature ha~h wrought; that they are grourlded upon Scripture.promifes, and found evidences; that they {\uri fie the heart ; that the more thou hopefl:,the lefs thou finnefi; that they depend on fure and infall ible caufes, a> on the truth, power, and mercy ofGod; on the merits, mediation,and interceffion ofJefusChrifi;what?is this b!l: amongH: the rHi ( I mean the inrerceffion of Cbrilt) the rpring of thy hope? canfl: thou fol1ow the fiream, till it brings thee to this Fountain, or well-head of hope, that now thou canfi fay, 0 this intemffion iJ mine? come, fearch , and try, it is worth the paines; and to put thee out ofquefiion, and in more facile way of'difcerning , I ilialllay . down thefe fignes. As -- . r. IfCbrifis interceffion be mine, the Spirits interce~oo