ChJp.z.Secl-4 Lookingunto:feftU. BooklV.Parc.VI. 981 .the earth,anJ the earth fh;/[ f. ear the cqrn,and, tmd oyl, al9d thq {hall hlar 7rzrul; 0 my foul to the tefi! hath <:;Jo$1 fenr. fonh the Spiri£ of his Sonne into thy hearc?hafi thou the m-dwtllwg of the . Sp;ritl~now by htlp oftbeSpiiit canft thou pray with earnefinefs, confidena, and an holy imp<>rtunity ?canfi chou cry Abba Farhrr. (i.) Canflthou err J with earnefinefs? .F.<~ther] wit~ confidence? , and Abba Ftlthtr J or FAthe'f Faehrr] With an holy rmpormnity? why ,thefe arc the V{ ry !ignes oft he Spirits interce!lioo. 0 my foul that thou wouldll deal faithfully with thy own felf; carft thou by-the: help oft he Spirit go to the Father in the name of Chrifilas · Cb.rifi is gone befor.e into the Holy ofHolyes to intercede,fo canfl: thou 'Witb boldne(s follow after, and enttr into the lfolyefi b] the MoodHeb,1o.r9. of Jefw? canft chou fay God hath given me hisS pirit, and his Spi- · rit hath !hewed me Chrifl as my Mediatour at the right hand of God, and now under the wing offuch a Mediatour, I can by the . Spir its affiihnce go with boldnc:fs ( utrn ')l'a ppn<rl~; with alfuming a l bercy) to I peak any thing I will in the cars of God? Surely this is tfie frutt,rhe effeCt ot Chrp;:s intercetli.on, and therefQre thou may· t'fh:omfortably conclude, ChriftJ"intercr{!ion i.11nine. - , 2. If ac any time in the midfi of duties, I am favingly affeCted, then is Chrifis interceili on mine. Sometimes it ple~fe:rh God to appear in Ordin:~m es , and rhe foul is comforted,quickned , enlarw :ged, affeCted; why, now I look on this asche dficacy of Cbrifis . blood and as the powerofChrilis intcrceffion;at tb~t veq' inflant that I feel ani' good in any otdinancc of (hrifl, why then,- even then is Ouifl prev1iling w1th God his Fa ~h e , for wbac I feel;tben, even then m1y I bvld!y fay, now is the Lml 'lffiN, who it at Gods righ r h,~,d •n hM·uen, rlmtmbring me P. poor rrorJm on CJIYth, oh nsw l fulthefmit"fhiJ inttrceffion; oh wh4t iJ thiJ Spirit, power. grace, com[Prt, (rrm~ l drin~ of, but a raft of the honJ·Comb with the enJ of m1 rod, drvppi"~ from the i~temJl.ionJ of 7efui Chrifi? and if tbi.t prifence ofChrrHs Spiri! bt fo (owm, what is himfelfthen? I know we had need to be w.try in laying down this (igne, it is clearly proved by an eminent D[vine, that frrett motionJ of heart jn holy thingJ ar~ not infallib!~ evidmc~s of gr CP. the th rd kind of bearers are [aid to receive the Word liV_ith jo; ;'they,found fome fw, er and power in1he Mr.73urges oford inances of Chri\l. and Her•d. h:ard John g laa'f ,.. andmany for ~ffurance. a[tll/on rejoJUa in T''hns lighr ,nd r»inifhy; Cmain'ty atfc'tHons io M;ci./f6.~ 0; holy adminiftnltl .:jlSwith delight and joy, m1y be. in thofe, who)oh-H 1• ' yet have no true grac<';fo it m1y be that the novelty & flra·ngenes · Iii i ii 3 • of