Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

982 Book lV.Part.VI. Looking rmto :fefus. Chap.z.Sect.4 -ofa dotl:rine may much affea: and d~lighr;or the nature of the doctrine as it is comfortable, without any refpea to fpirirual operation,_may exceedingly affeCl; or the Minifiers abilities, becaufe of his parts, eloquence, elocution, affetl:ionate utterance may much delight, and fiir up the hearers affection~; fine head-notions, may produce fome ~ffeClionate heart.motio~s; but what fimptome of grace in alf this?The figne therefore I lay do~n of my propriety in Chrilh interceffions is not every fweet motwn, or every exci ted affetl:ion, but that which is holy, fpiritual, heavenly, faving; I may dlfcern much of this,if I will but look into the groutJds and tffects ·ofmy cxcired,or fiired up affeClions;ifthe ground thereof be fetch· ed from heaven, and in their effetl: they ten~ cowards heaven; if they wean my heart from the world; if they elevat~ & nife up my affections to things above; if they forme, and frame my converfa· tion'heaven.wards, then may I be atrured thefe motions and affections are of the right !tamp; for all fuch motions are but fparks of that heavenJy fire, tlte flame whereof is mindful of ifs own ori>- ginal; they are the fruits of Chrifl:, and they go back to Chrifl:.: they work towards their center, they rend towuds the place ~om whence they came; and in this refpeel: 0 that I could never hear a fermon, without a favory aff~Cl:ion of what I hear! 0 that i could never go to prayer without fome warmth, and heat, and life, and fervency! Oh 'thu in every dut}' I were favingly affcCled, that I felt the favour of Chrifis oyntments, whofe ncme, and whofe inrerceffiJn is as an ointment poured forth ! in times of the Old Telhrner,ifthey offered up afacrifice,&a rnateria1 fire came down from heaven, and burnt up the facrifire to allies, it was a certaine tefli. ,- mony that the facrifice was accepted :Now in the time of the Gofpel we mull not expect material fire to come down upon our duties, but hath the Lord at any time caufcd an inward and lpiritual · fire to fall down upon thy heart warming thy fpirit in duty? and carr~ring it'up heaven·ward? Surely if fo, thou mayeft fafely con· elude, the.fe are the very etfe~s of Chrifis intercetlion ; his intcrce!fton is mine. · · 3 If in my heartIfeel a holy frame,difpofirion1inclinati~n,ro pray, and cry, and imercede for others, efpedally for the miferies _and difireifes of che Church of God , then is Chrifts imerce!Iion mine. We !hould (!Is near as we may) in every thing con forme co Chnfl; and:chis conformity is an evidenc'= or fignc to us of our inweft 1n Cluifi: 0 my foul go down into the inmofl: clofet of thy · heart.