Book IV. Part.VI, interc~ffion is ours; away,a .vay all diffid~nce, doubring wav~rina . ) e,, fluctuatmg hopes; a foul thus grounded may with Paul cafi the gantlet,. and btd d~fiance co all the world, who jhAillaJ "'"J rhing to Rom.8,3f. the charge of Gods Elefl? ~ho u he that condemnerh? it is C,hrf.s7 ibat died, . Jt4. rt~tfltr that u'rij(n .tgain' n:ho iuven Ill the right htmd of God, tmd who al(om11keth interaJJion form. . s ll c-r. ). Of 6eluving i~ Je[HI in tht~t rtf}eEl,; ;. l ET us brluv~ in .'Jrf .u, as carrying on this great wotk of .our falvation io his interce!lion,wounJed fpirits ~re full of fcruples, and thus they cry,mr Jim wr!L nevrr be largcw;q; haye not I -- ftnned llg.JtnfJGod, and Chrifl , a,nd the Spirit of Chrifl ? had I nnt r»J hands imbrued in rhe bl~oJofhiJ'S ·m? ana have not I troden under foot the blood of God? and w:ll rhat blood. 1h.1t1 hnve flud,~nd rroad. on,interctde for my pardon? Had 1 btu gflne {o /.ar tU the J frvs did, l'rhn in• dud k•llrd and crtmjied {hrrfl, I might have haJ fome hopes, becnu~ they knew not l:fhar tht] qid,ad r herefore Chrtjl prayedF.a her fo·give th~m for they ~now not wbat they do. 73ut tll:tJ ! 1 finned, . and 1 k:~•w Well enou,tz_h 'rl•hat, and wherein I have (znned: had t.h•_r k.."own (fa ith I Cor.:z.,S, the A p( fl: e) they Would not h11ve crud.fid the Lord of glorJ; but a:IM 1 /e..ww it, and I waJ fuliJ co>~vinad tht<t the commiJlion o_f every fin i1 a cruci(Jing ofChrifl, and yet agRinfl kiiOf''ledge, and judgmmr, 1md light, And chec/z:J o[ my own confcier.ce, ' I havt cnmjieathe Lord ,f glory, and is mt the apo/lfeexpre!Je? it is imp,Jfib/1 for thofe Who Heb.6.4,6. \1>er~ once mlighrned, nnd h11ve tllfJed of the hunnnlJ tift,--i{doq j411 away, to rt>UW than 11g<~in Rnto repent ance, feeing rhty cruc>(it to themfelvn the Son of God afrtfh .md put him to an open jbRme, oh I fear my ,Zilme i; not in the roll o( rhoft for ~hom C11rifl intercedeJ, I have truci{iea him a{refb, and N•ill he i"trretae for (uch a dead dog a1 I <1m? l cannot beluve Stlcnre,unbcletf! be not tyran nical to thy felf, for Chrifi wil not ;fin fhal do th~e no burc,nor (\athJn,no norGod himfelf. for }Jus Cb(;J1 can work him co any thing; if he but operi his wounds m heJ~v<'.n,hc will fo wor~ his Father, rha t thy wounds on earth lh dl dole up preiently. 0 but 1 have fir.ned tJgain{f lit,ht; and\\ ha• then,i' Tho0e thou hail no· finned Wilfully, m1!1c ' ')ufly; defpi ~ iu fu lly ag~infi th .light:the Apollle tells us,thac if we fin ',~7 fully,ti{ter >VI' 11a.erueive ft tbr ~no\,\•ii' ~ o(tht truth rh_ererrmaineth na more facrijice for Jim, but a certain loo~ing for of judgmmt , and ficrJ indign.1tlon. ThefecwoTexlslnHe-b.6+ andio. :z6. are parallel,