--------------------------------------------------- paralel and give light to each other ; and therefore unlelfe thy fin be the unpardonable fin, unleffe wilfully, ,malicioufly, and defpightfully thou haft crucified Chrift, as iome of the Jewes did n~ver p;ffe a doome of final condemnation on thy foul : wh~t is there no dtfference betwixt a finne done wilfully, or purpofely, of malice with delight; and agai~l.l: the feeli_ng of thy own confcie.nce ; and afinne done of meer,e tgn~rance, tnconGde-, racy,' infirmit,Y, or through a ftr~ng t~mptatton,. though againfi: light itfelf?. I ·know there ts a ltght gtven tn by Gods Word and fome beam ofthe Holy Ghoft, which yet !'lever pe~ netrat~d fo farre as to transforme and regenentte the foul .wholly to Gods Image; and in fuch a cafe a man may fall away even into an univerfal fall, a general Apoil:a(Je; but doll thou not hope better things of thy felfthan fo? I fuppofe thou doll:; 0 then beleeve ! 0 beleeve thy part in Chr;,Jh interceffion I and for the directions of thy faith , that thou mayll know how, or in what manner to beleeve, obferve thefe particulars in their erder. As ----- I ~ Faith mull: directly go to Chrift. 2. ~ith f!!Ull: go to Chrift as God in ctJe flelh. 3. Faith mull: go to Chrift as God in the fleih made under the taw. 4· Fai.th mufl go to Chrift made under the directive part of the Law by his life, and under tae penal part of the Law by his death. 5. Faith muft go to Chrift as put to d~ath is the fle!h, and as quickned by the Spirit. ' 6 . Faith mufr go to Chrifi as quickned by the Spirit,and as go~ ~ng up into glory,as fitting down at Go~sright hand, and asfendtng. the HoJyGhoft;ofall thefe before. 7· Faith mu£1: go to Chri£1: as interceding for his Saints. this act ofChri£1: is for the application ofall the former ads on Chrifts part; and our faith clofing with ir, is for the application of this and all other the actings of Chri£1: on our parr. Now is our fait~ led 11p very high; ifwe can but reach this, we may (ay, our faith ~ands very lofty, when it may at once fee earth and heaven· when tt may fee all that Chrift hath acted for it here, and all that Chrift doth ad:, and will ad: in heaven for it hereafter. It is not an ordinary, fingle, particularad: of faith thlt will come up to this Kk k kk k glorious