9811- · Book. IV Part.VI. Looking unto 1efru. Chap. z.Sett. 5 Goodwin, Chrifr fet fonb. glorious myll:ery, no, no; itisa.comprehenfive, perfeCtive aa. _ it is fuch an aCt as puts the foul into a condition of glorious tri~ umph, ' ' who {hall condemne? it is C hrift that will fave me to· " the uttermoft, feeing lre ever liveth to make interceffion for ' ' me. T h11t fame word [to the uttermoft J u" a good word, . " and well put in; it is a reaching word, and extends it felfe fo . " f;me, that thou canfl: not look beyond it :: let thy foul be fet . ' ' th-e highefl: mountaine that ever any creature was yet fct on . ," and there let thy foul take·in, and view the moft fpacious pro~ " f petl: both ofGnne, and mifery, and difficulties of being faved . " that ever yet any poor humbled foul did caftwithin it felf yea • " joyne to thefe all the objeCtions, and hindrances of thy falva: ' ' tion, that the heart ofman can.fuppofe or invent againft it ' ' felfe; lift up thy eyes, and look to the utmoft thoucanft fee, . " and Cbrift by his interceffion is able to fave thee be'yond, the " horizon, and.furtheft compaff~ ofthy thoughts, even to the " · u:moft, and worftcafe t·he heart ofman can poiiibly fuppofe; ~ it is not thy having lain long in finne, or_long under terrours - " and defpaires; it is not thy having finned often under many ·. " enlightnings, that can hinder thee from being faved by Chrift; " Do but remember this fame-word [ to the uctermoft] and> "' then put in what exception thou wilt,_or·canft. 0 the holy triumphs of that foul that can but ad its faith on Chrifis . in~er (:effi.on ! why, this is the moft perfect ·and confummate aCt of Chrifis Prieftly office; this argues thy Chrift to·be a perfeet Mediatour, and being a perfect Mediatour, no condition can he dc-- fperate; Ar1d being made perfe.EJ, (faith the Ap<>ftle) he became the Aurheur of eternal [<~hmtion unto all them that obey him; now therefore lead up thy faith to·this bleffed object~ and thou haft\ under con!i.derrtion the whole ofChr;ft,. and the total ofChrifts atl:ings in this world from firft t:o Iaft; in refpett·of mediatiott this is the Coronis, the up-{hot, tlie period, .. the confummation,, the perfeCtion of all. 8. Faith in going to Chriil a• interceding for u~ , it· is princi:. pally and mainly to look to the purpofe, . c=nd·, intent, and defigne of Chrift-in his interceffion, now the end; of Chrift:asin reference unto us, are thefe. - t. That we · might have cort;munion agd fellowfhip· with the Eathcr and. the Sonne. I praJ for theft, tha~ /U,