M thou Father art in me, and I in thee, thry alfomay 6e one - . John 17, u. mm. 2 • That we might have the gift of th_e Holy Ghoft; 1 wilt pra} the Father'. an~ he /halt gwe you anotherJob.I4-t6, ,7 (omform, that he ma1 r1btde wtth you for ever, e-v·en the Spirit ' of 'I ruth. 3 . That we might have proteCtion againft all evil , I pray (faith Chrift) thnt thou w_Qu/dft kse~ them fro"! the evil; ~orne Joh, , 7 , 1 i· may obje~, are not the fa1~hful ~ubJeet to ev1ls , corruptiOns, and temptationsil:ill ? how then ts that part of the interceffion ofChrift made good unto us? I anfwer, the interceffion of{hril! is prefently available, onely it is ~<>?~eyed in a manner fuitable and convenient to our prefent condttlon, fo as there may be left roome for another life ; and therefore we muft not conceive all prefently done; it is with us as with Malefadours doomed to death, fuppofe the'fupreme power l11ould &rant a pardon to bedrawn; thoughthegrantbeof.Oewhol~thmg at once, yer: it cannot be written but word after word, and line after line . fo the grant ofour protecrion againft all evil is made unto Chrift at firft, but in the execution thereof, there is line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little, and there a little : we know Chrift prayed for Peter, I have prayedfor thee that thJ faith fai!e nut. yet Peters faith did fuake and totter; the prayer was not' th~t there might be 110 failing at . all , but that it might not utterly and totally faile; and in that refped Peter was .proteB:ed. ' 4 That we might have free accelfe to the Throne of gra!=e ;' So the Apoftle, feeing then we have agreat high Prieft that is paf- Hcb.. 14 ) + tG. fed into the heavens, fefus the Sonne ofGod, let us holdfaft our profeffiott, and come boldly to the Throne ofgrace. And again, having It b , therefore bold neff~ to. enter .'into the holieft b] the blood of e ' 10 ' ~3 ·. 'fe[us, and having 11n high Prieft over the houfe of God let us draw ne11r with a true heart in a full aj{urance (){ faith. - 5· T.hat w_emight have the inward int~rpel~ation ofthe Spirit, , which 1s as 1t were the Eccho of Cbnfts tnterceffion in our hearts: the Spirit mak§:h intercejfionfo; _m, with groanings which Rom,S. :z.6. cannot be uttered. It ts the fame Spmts groanes in us, which · more dil.\:inB:Iy and fully in (;hrifi: prayeth for us. Thefe things - Kkkkkk 2 I