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988 · Book.IV.Part.VI. LoDking rmro Jtftu. Chap. 2.Sect.5 J~h. lJ,I.i~ LfPeak)n the world (faith our Saviqur) thlflt tkeJ might . have my joy filled 111 themfehm. q. d. 1 have madethts pra)erm the world; and left a record and patterne of it in the Church, that they feeling the fame heavenly delirc:s kindled in their own hearts, may be comfqrced in the workings of that Spirit of pray. er in them, which tefiifieth to their foules the quality of that intercelfion which I make for them in the hea-ven of heavens ; certainly there is a dependance of our prayer ?n~hri~s prayer: as it is with the Sunne, though the body of tt abtde w the heaven; , yet the beames of it defcend to us here on earth; fo the inter. ceffion ofChrifr, though as eyed to his perfon,it is made in hea. ven, yet the.groans,and defires ofthe touched heart,as the beams there.of,are here on ear~h. - 6.1'-hat we mighc have thefanctification ofour fervices;of this the Levitical Priefrs were a type, for they lmtre the iniquity of the hplj thiiJgs 4 the. children of I [rae!, th.rt thq might be accepted; ~x.od.~S.3S, andheistheAngeloftheCovemmt, wh9 h.uh ttgolden Cen(er to offer up the prayerJ of th: S.rints. Some obferve a three-f~ld eviJ in man, ofevery of whrch we are deltvered by Chntl: ; Ftrft, ao ' . ,• evil of it ate or condition under the guilt of finne; Secondly, an eyil ofnature under the corruption of linn(;; Thirdly., an evil in all our ferv:cfj by tire adherency of 'finne, for that which tou. cheth an unclean thing5is made unclean thereby. Now (hrift by hi,srighteoufneffe and merits jufiifieth our perfons from the guilt of finne; and Chrift by his grace and Spirit doth in meafure pu. rifie our faculties from the corruption of Iinne; and Cht:ifr hy his incenfe and interceifion do~h . cleanfe our fervic~s from. the adherency of finne; fo that m them the Lord 1mells a fweet favour; and~orh we and our fervicesfind accepta1.1ce with . God. 7· That we might bave the parden of aH linne. It is by vertue of Chrifrsi:nrerce-ll.ion that a beleever finning· o(infirmity · hath a pardon ofcourfe, for Chrift is his-Advocate to 'plead his cafe; or if he Grine of prcJumption, and the Lord give repei~. tance, he hath a pardon at the hands ofGod the Father by ver• !ue of this inrerceffion in a way of juftice. And to this end rather is Chrift called an Advocate than a- petitioner.; if ttn>] mnn 1 J9hn 1. I, Jir~, we' have 11n Adva:t~r errith the Fat}Je.r. The work of an Ad- . V<:c"tc: ditf~rs fro,mJh '}wo::k ofapetitioner; an Advoca&e doth '-- -· - · -- . -- . .. .. - - OQt·~