Chap.z.Sect5. Lookingunto::fe(w. Book.IV. Part.VI. 989 not meerely petition; but he tells the Judge what is Law, and what ought to be done, andfo doth Chrifi:. 0 my Fathrr (faith ChriU:) rhu foul hath indeed Jinn~d, hur I have J~ttisfdforhis Jinnes, I have pay/d for them to the full, now therefore in a way &[ equity, andjlljlice~ 1 do here call fer tht1 mans p11rdvn. Ifchis were not fo, our efl:ate would be moil: miferable, conlidering that for every finne committed by us after repentance, we deferv~. to be caft out of the love and favour of God our Father for ever and ever. s. That we might have continuance in the fl:ate of grace, I , h.tve prt~yed for thee that thy faithft~il not.Some that dilfent from us Luke z z. 3z in the poynt of pc~feverance, objed:, that in our Saviours prayer far Peter there was fomewhat fingular; but we fay that in this .prayer there is nothing !ingular, which is not common to ail the faithful, and unto fuch as are given unto Chrifl: of the Father; they alledge that this priviledge was granted to Peter ag an Apoftle; but we fay, that ifit was granted to Pet er as-an Apo{lle, then it was common to Pettr and {udM, in that both were A· pofl:les. They all edge further, that Chrifi prayes not f?r the abfolute perfeverance of beleevers, but after a fort,and upon condition. But we fay the prayer of Chrifl: is certain, and not fuf· pended: in this prayer his de!ire is not for Peter that would perfevere, but his de!ire is for Peter that he !hould perfevere; the objed: of the thing for which Chrifr prayes, is diftiad: from .the thing it felf prayed for. 9· That we might have tLe falvation of our foules in· th~ day· of Jefus; Father I will that they A/fo whom thou h11ff given me, be with me where lam-, that thq might behold m)' glory. Why, this John 17• 14, is the main end in refpect ofus, our ~lory; a11d indeed herein is the main piece ofour glory, to beh~id his glory! Oh to fee the Lord Jefus Chrift glorified, as he !hall be glorified, mull be a glorious thing; what is it to fee his glory, bur, ro behold the lufl:re ofhis Dtvinity through his humanity ? in this refped: ouv very eyes !hall come to fee .God, as much as is pollible for any .creature toJeehim : we may be fure God !hall appear throqgh tbe humanity of Chrift, as much as is pollible fur the Divinity to appear in a-creature; and therefore men and Angds will be continually viewing of Chrifl:: I know there is another glory of C,4rift which the F!lther will put upon him ; bmwfe he humb/Fd K k .k.k !1. k 3 hirnfe If" , - ·-- _,...