.Rev. 14.-t• birnfelf, therefore goa wilt exalt him, and give him a name above ever] name ; apd we {ball fee him in this glory, 0 the ravilhing fight ofSaints ! Chrifi: is fo lovely, that the Saints cannot leave but they muft, and will follow tht Lambe wherefoever he goes; there fhall be no moment to all eternity, wherein Chrift lball be out offight to fo many th~ufand, thoufands of Saints ; now this is the glory of the Sames above; as a Q!!een that-fees the Prince inhisglory, fbedelightsinit, becaufeitis berglory. fo the Church when fhe fhall fee Chrift her Hus~and in his glory' fhe {ball rejoyce in it, becaufe fhe lookcs upon It as her OWn: is not this a bldfedend ofChrifis interceffion? why,hither tend all the reft ;. all the other ends end in this ; and for this above all Chrift ' intercedes to his Father, F~tther, I would have my Saints with me; 0 that all the daughters ofZion may behold King Solomon with the Crown wherewith thou hast crowned him in the >~ill) ofhis Ejpou• fois, and in the day~~ the gl~tdnej{t ofhis heart. ~ Onely one quefi:wn, and 1 h~ve ~one; how lbould I fee my faith on work co a a on Chnfis mterceffion for chefe ends ? I anfwer.-· 1. Faith muft perfwade it felfthat here is a vertue in Chrills interceffion. Certainly every paflage and acting ofChrift hath its efficacy,and therefore there is vertue in this ; it is full of juyce it hath a ftrong influence in it. ' 2.Faith muft confider that it is the defign ofGod, and the intendment ofChrift,that this interceffion lhould befor the goodof thofe that are given to Chrift.O there's enough in Chrift,enough in Chrifts interceffion to convey communion, the Spirit, protection, free accelfe to the Throne ofgrace, a Spirit of prayer pardon offinn~s, continuance in grace, falvation of foules t~ the Saints and people of God through all the world ; and this is the defigne of God that Chri:fts interceffion fhould be as the fountain whence all thefe Jlreames muft run, and be conveyed unto us. · 3. Faith muft act dependantly upon the interceffion of Chrift for thefe very ends, this Is the very nature offaith, it relyes upon God in Cbrift, and upon all the ad:ings of Chrift, and upon aH the promifes ofCbrift : fo then is there a de!irable end in Chrifts interceffion which we ayme at? 0 let us ad: our faith dependantly ; · tet usrely, ftay, orleane upon Chrift to that fame end - ·- ··· , -· · - - - ·.. let; •