Chap.1.Se6t.6 Looking untD1ifm, BooiciV.Parc.VI. 99$ m~nt, as if he were all for us, and n~thing fo~ him:felf; rhus he is called ~J Savionr, aRedeemer, "K:ng, "P'l'sefl, 11 l'rophet, a Frimd, aGuide,lln Head,"'! Hsuhand,a Letfder,R,mfomer,Interceffonr. and what not of thts nature ? · 0 my foul come hicher,and put thy little candle to this mighty flame ; if thou hadH ten heat:ts, or as many hearrs in one as th ~re are ele&edmen and Angels in he.wen and earth, all chefe would be too little for Jefus Chrill:: onely go as farre as chou canfl, and love him with that heart thou hatl:, yea love him with all thy ~eart, a~d all thy faul, and all thy might.; and_ as Chri,l: in lovmg thee 1s not hts own, fo kt thy foul 111 lovmg Chrill: be not her own ; Come, love thy Chtill:, and not thy (elf; poffefie chy Chrifl,and not thy felf; enjoy thy Chrift, and not thy felf; live in thy Chrifl,not in thy felf; folace thy felf in Jefus Chrifl, riot in thy felf; fay with th-! Apo!He , I 11m mecifted withChri.[f, ne'l;'mheleffe I livr, }Ct no' I, lint Ch~ift li-im~ c3l.:r..u~; in me. Cerramly, tfever thou comefl to Jove ChrtH: truly, thou canltnot but deny thy felf, andall created lovers. This love will fcrue up thy foul, fo hi; h above the world, and above thy flelh, and above chy_felf, and a~ve all other lovers, chat notbino on this fide Chnft, whether m heaven or on earth, will come i~ cotnpetirion with him. Suppofe a man in the top of a Call:le higher than the third region ofthe ayre, or neare the fphere of the Moon, ihould look down to the fairefl and fweetefi meadowes, or to.a ~arden rich with rofes and flowers, of all fweet colours and delicious fmells; certainly he lhould not fee or feele any fweecneffe, pkafantneffe, colour, fmell, becaufe he is fo farre above them·; fo the foul filled with rhe love of Chrill is fo high above all created lovers, that their lovelineffe cannot reach or afcend to the high and Iaroe capaci:- ty of a fpirirual foul. 0 for a foul filled up with all rh~ fu1neffe qfGod I OfGr afoul flretche? out to 'its widea capacity and circumference forche entertamment ofGod ! 0 my foul, rh:1t chou wert butaklt to comprehend with u.l/ the Sainu what i; the E b ( 8 lmukh, and, anddepth, And height, llndtok.,nornhekue of P c ·3·' '19 Chrijl thAt paj{eth k,.n.owltdge! Surely if Chri.t be mine, if his death be m'me, his refurreetion mine, his afcenflon mine his feiiion mine, hisinterceiiion mi11e, how lbould I but lovdhim with a fmgular love? farewell .world, and worldly glory ; if L 111112 Chria , ,