Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

' 996 Book.IV.Pan.VI. Looking rmto '}ejru-. -------------------------------------------------· Chri.J come in roome, it is ti:ne for you to vaniih ; I D1all _ little care for a candl~ wh<:n the Sunl.le /hines fair and briz_ht upQn my bead: what? rs my name wrrtten on the he.ut of Chri;l? doth he weare me as a Favour and·J_ove-token about his armes and neck? is he at every turn pre~enring r:r..e and my duties to his h~avenly Farber? o thou h4f ravifhed my heart my King, my [efut, thou hajhavijhed my h(art with one of thint eys., and with Cant. f.,~· Ellber f · 3· ~ne chaine of thy nec-k..: · Suppofe 0 my foul, thou had£1: been with ·ChriH when he sva.lhed his Difciples feet, and t:hat he .lhould have come, and have wa.lhed thy feet; would not ~hy ·heart have glowed with love to Jefus Chri.H? why,Ohriit is'now in glory, and now he takes thy filthy foul, and dirty duties, and waihes (as it were} rhe feet of all, that he may prefenr them to his Fathe.r ; thou canH 119t.l11ed a tearebut he waihes it over again in his precious blood~ and perfumes it with. his glorious inrercelftom. Oh wbat caufe hJH thou to love Je(us Chri{l:? Oh you that neverloved Chriil:, come, love him now; and you that hwe loved Chri!l a little, 0 love him more; Above all, let me 0 my [oul , charge upon thee this duty of love; 0 zo aWJV w.1rmed with the love of Cbri:Ll:, and with a love tO< (:hriil:, ; -~ ........_... ________ ·_. __ .___ _____ SECT. 7; Ofjoying in re-fm in that reJPeff·. 7· [ Et u~ j'o_y in 'fefm, as carrying on-this work of our falva... " tion in his imerc.elfton. Surely this is glad-rydings .-of · great joy: when rvickeid Haman, procured letters from .Kirig Aha;::,uerm for the JeH:ruetion of all_ ]ewes, then Eftkr the ~ een m.akes reque{l: to tb~ King, that her people might be faved, and Ham11ns letters revoked; 11nd the Kings foid to hrr,. what wit. thou fJ..Pieen c(iher? aJJd what is thy reqr~eff, a_nd it fottll be given thee? 0 the joy of )ewe<; at this h.tppy rydmgs ! thm the City of.Shllfhan rtjoJced, and 1v.11 glad; then the {ewes had: light, (lndgladnej[e, and j'], r111d boftoHr; in every provinc-e, ~tnd, i.n,