Chap.z.Sect.7. LotJking unto!fe(gc, Book.IV. PaLt.V.I. ~- 997 ·i11 every City, -whither foever the Kings commandment, and hw derree cAme, the {ewes h11djoy,andgladnej]'e, afeaft, and t,t g~od diiJ· Js not this our very cafe ? w.1s rhere not a .Law againlt us; an hand-writing ofOrdinances, a femence .of a double death , of, body and foul ? had not Satan, as wicb:d Haman acculed us; and foushr by all means our conde~r:narion.? bu.t yet behold, nor onely an earthly Eflher, bu.t Jefus th~ Sonne of Go_J was willing for our fak~s to come down fro:n heaven; anJ he It was t:h.Jt rook aw,1y the hand-writing of ordinances, and cancelled it upon rhe Croffe, that afcended inro heaven, and there .makes requells for us, and he it is in whom his Father is well pleafed; never co:r:es he to his Farber, but he obraines the / 5race of rhe golden Scepter; no" fooner he cryes, l will that · 1heje poor fouleJ may be eternally Jlwed; but his Euher anfwas • Amen; Be it fo : be it, q in] Sonne even M thou plen{ejl. 0 rh,1t we !=·ould joy ar this! 0 that we could in:itate th~ ]ewes! 0 that light , and gladneffe , and joy , and honour would rofiefie our foules ! if at Chri.its birth was fuch, a.pJ fo much JOY becaufe a Saviour was proclaimed: is not our joy ro b-'! heightened, when falvation is effe5ted? if rhe fir:l: ~t of Chri,{s medi.1tion was fo joyous, 1hallnot rhe bll: att of his mediation ' be much more kyous? - But I hear many objcctiDns, which keep b.1ck joy, they are as barrcs and hindrances ar the doores of many heavy hearts, that joy cannot enter in, I .01all in.lauce in fomc:. 0 I am much oppofed here in this world (fayes one) meit• · • a.reaswvlves, anddivels; dogges have comptrj[edme, the aflem- Pfalme uo~G, b/7 ofthe wickfd have encl~fed me; rh~y hwe no bowels; they perfecute, repro1ch, revile~ fo that I am killed all the day lon;. --:-- And what rhen ? vvhar matters oppo.Gtions of men, ro long as Chri;l: doth inrer'CeJe for thee in heaven ? 0 remember ChriHs bowels; rt may be he fuffcrs men to be mercile!1e 'on· ·earth, rhat thou maya look up, and behold how merciful he is who £ts above; and tell me,h..11t thou no experience ofrhi.; rrurh? doth nor reliefHran_;ely come in now and rh:m? why,wrire upon·the forehead of fucb favours, I have a mercijPSI, and compajfi-~ •nate Mtdintour i11 heaven. · 0 I am much tempred ( !:1yes anorh::r) that I cannot pr<ty; · bad I now the key ofprayer, I could rhen unlock the cabinet L 11111 3. where