Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

99s Book.IV.P~rt.VI. Loolcing•mto~e[t~s. Cbap,l,Set. 7 Job. 17. If · Ver.u. where all Gods rre.<fures lye, and cake ouc \Vhat I pleafed; but alas my prayers are dull, and weak, and dry, and without fpirirand life, I cannot pray. - Jffo, be humbled for it; and yet kBow this, chat when thou canll poe pray,CbriH: rhen prayes for rhee, and he prayes that rhou mayH pray : and tell me, halt t?ou no experien~e of this truth ? harh not fomet~mes thy fpi~ nt ocen enlarged m·prayer? hail thou not fomeumes felt thy heart warmed, or favingly affeCl:ed? hall thou not fometitnes in prayer been lifted up aoove t:_hy felfe, and above the world? ·conclude then, " my Intercefiour abov.e h~th fent me thisoift " and Spirit ; ic is not I, but Chrills interceffion that by an ~d­ " mirable and fecret operation hath given m~cheSpirit to help " my infirmity ; thefe a_re the incerceaions of the Spirit of . " Chri!t, and they are the very Eccho of the interceffions of ' ' Chrifi in his own perfon. 0 but I labour under fuch, and fuch corruptions ( fayes another ) and the Devil is bu!ie ; exceeding buiie, and he exceedin·' ly prevailes ; how am I overcome with thefe-corruptions and"with thefe and rhefe Gnnes ? It may be fo, and yet do no~ altooether defpond ; for Jefus Chrill is ac Gods right hand, and rher~ he Gts till all his enemies be made his foot-ltoofe; and what ? are not chy lmnes his enemies? 0 be of good comfort for Chrill will prevaile ; it i> one piece of his prayer that h~ puts up for thee, to k!ep thee from evil; and furely he will either keep thee from it, or keep thee in it, that in the iffue thou lbait have the v.iEt.ory.Thofe that thou gavrft mel havrk,.ept(faithChrill) and noneof 1 hem u lo {f ; if he undertake for thee, thou art fafe and fure; hU..Covenant is e-verlajfing,even the fure mercies Df Dt~­ vid : and therefore if yet thou doLl: not, certainly thou lbalt feel the vercue ofChrifl:s interceffion; 6nne mufl: be fubdued, hell~ gates fhal~ not p~evaile ag~inH thee, he \':ill not quench rhy £parks unnU he brmg (o~th Judgment vnte vt6l:ory. Oh but I am jn a fufferin3 condition (fayes another) and there is none that: regards, or takes pity on me ; all my friend$ ~ave dealt treacheroufiy, among all my lQ\rers there i~ none co comfort me : they have heard, that 1 llgh, and there is none to refrel1t me; I Hand for Chrilt,but there is noneltands by p1e ; I own him, but there is none ownes me. Bleeding Chriftian, bear u.p ! is not ChriHs interceffion a fufficienc anewer