Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

fimply as the only begotcen Sonne of God, then I fee no in_con· gtuity (though in the former rcfpetl: fome inconvenil!nce) but that we may pray to Chrift to intercede for us; for fo he is God ana man; and he is confiqered acco~ding to both natures ; only the'difference of both natures is ftill to be ·kep't and maintained ; interceffion is the office ofthe whole perfon of c;hrift, and of the two natures of Chrift. But he performes this office one way according to his divine nature, and another way according to his humane nature. I lift not to quarrel about nicities; it is thus agreed on all hands, and that is enough to our purpofe, that we may call onJefus, or on 'God the Father in and through Jefus, that Chrifts interceffions may be ours, and that he would make it out to us in a way of affurance every day more and inore. • · 2. Let us praife; let us bleff~ God, and blefte Chrilt for every tranfaC!:ion in heaven for us. It is a wondeno obferve what fongs of praife were chan~ed to Chrifi in heavenfqr that one tran{aC!:ion ofopehing the book ; and loofing the fea ven feales thereof: firft, thefoure beafts, and then the foure <md twefJtJ Eiders fell down 6efore the Lambe, having every one ofthem harpn, Rev. 5.s. andgolden vials full of odours, w,hich 11re the pr.qers ofthe Sai11ts, ana thry fu!'g a new fong; [Ay;ng, thou art worthy to tllk.§ the book._, and to open the {eales thereof, for thou waft flaine·, and haft redermed us tG God by thy blood.--And t~en the Angels round ~t6out the llo 11., throne, whofe number was ten thouflmd times ten thou.fand, and thoufandJOf thoufands; came,on, {lqing, worthy is tht Lam6e that WM Jlaine to receive 1ower, and riches, lind wifdome, and ftrength, ttnd honour, and glory, and bie/Jing.- And then evtiJ creature which u in heaven, and on the earth? and under the earth, and (uch M , 1 , are in the[ea., came on,{aying,6!1:ffing, and honour, 11nd glory, .md power be unto him, that fit wh upon 1 he throne, and ttn/9 the LAmb-e for ev'er r:;.· ever; and the fourebeP.fts and foure and twmty Elders fell down and worfoipped him that livethfor ever and ever, I can- . not tel1 what other tranfactions may be in heaven, wehave but hints of them here, nor fhall we fully or particularly know rhem till we come to heaven; butforthis one tranfad:ion of chrifts interceffion, we cannot imagine leffe praife to be given to Chrift than for any other ; 0 then lee us do this dutie on earrh, as it is done in heaven! what is Chrifi praying for us? 0 let us be on l.VJmmmmm t~