Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1oo2 Book.IV.Part.VI. LoD!tlng t~nto~tfM. Chap.~.sea.9 , the excrcifc of praifing him-; is Chrift intercediflg for us ! kt us give him the glory of his intcrceffion ; heaven is full ofhis praifes 0 why fuould not earth ring with. the. fo~nd thereof? pralfe the Lord, 0 my foul, . and. aft thllt :s wt.thm me, praife his hoi] . Name . -----~-------....,.;... ____ .. S E C T'o 9• Of conforming to Jefm in that refPe[f . 9• LEt us confor~e to J e~us in refpe~ of his ~n.terceffion,' . ! I cannot thmk but m every atbon of Chrtil: there .is fomething imitable of us.· And as co the prefent work, I lhall inftance only in thefdew particulars. As1. Chrift appear~ in heaven for us ; .let us appean! on earth for hi'm . Is there not equity, as well as conformity in this duty? 0 my foul , confider what thy Chrift is ~oing,. confider wherein the interceffion of Jefus Chriit confifts ! is not thi"s the firft part of it? why, he appeares in heaven before Saints, and Angels~ , and before God his Father in thy behalfe; and art thou afraid to appeare before wormes, mortals, dull, and alhes in hiscaufe or for his truth? fuall Jefus.Chrift own thee in heaven? and wilt thou not own Jefus Chrift here in this world ? fuall Jefus Chrifi as thy great high Priell:,· take thy vety name and carry it upon his breft into the prefcnce ofGod ? and wilt not thou take the name ofChrifr, and hold it forth in profeffion and pratl:ife . to all me.n ? Oh what a mighty engagement is here to fiand to Chrift, an,d toappeare for Chri1l:; and to own his caufe in thefe · backfliding times; in that Chrifi, who fits at the right hand of · God, is willing and ready to appeare in perfon for us, both as a Mediatour; and Spoufor, and Solicitour, and Advocate, and ,. ~ Leiger-Embalfadour ? . ' ~. Chri!l: fpends all his time for -us and our falvation, let us , fpend all our time for him, a-nd in his fervice; the Apofile teHs ' H<~b . 7' 2) . us, that he everlives to m; k.e intercef!ion .form; it i5 not for a , day, or a month, or a-yeare, but he lives for ever upon this account; for ever (i.) during.ail the time . from his afcenfion untiU the .: