·Cnap.2.Sett.9 Looking unto1ifm, BooidV,Pan.VI. 1003 the end of the world ; he is fiill interceding; h~ fpends of all that time for us, and fhall we think it too much time to fpeng a few dayes that we have here co live_upon the earth for him .? one thinks this-the greateft argument 10 the world to make us to ' walke clofely with God in Chrift; he fPendr of his eternity form, _ 4 nd fo>~ll not we fPond ofour whole time f or him? furely people do not thinkwhat Chrift is a doing in heaven for them ; if you who are Saint5 would but ferioufly conGder, that Chrift this Sabbath. this day of reft is at his ~ork '· that ~ithout any w arin~1fe or intermiffion from mon:n.ng nil evemng, and from evemng ttll morning he is ever, ever, inter~e~ing; .how would this engage you in his fervice ? ~h . Chrlit_tans I 1f. you fh?uld continue praying, praiGng, ~eadmg, heanng all th1s da~ Without any intermiffion or breaklllg off. Oh what weannelfe ! Oh how would you fay, when will the day be done? when will the Sabbath bt at an end? well, but Chrift is not weary of ferviog you; this Sabbath and the taft Sabbath, and the othet: Sabbath, and every Sabbath: when you had done your d~ties, he took your perfons~ and duties, and prefented all unto hts Father; he prayed over your prayers, and continued praying, and fayiog , Lord accept of aJhort, p~ore, lea11e, imperfea (ervice done on earth for my fakf.. and for thefe merits fake, which I am continuallJ prefenting to thee here in heaven. Oh why do W€ not come up to this conformity! Oh why are we fo unconformable to the aCI:ings of Chrift? be is preparing manfions for us in heaven, and are we digging in this world ? he is making mention of our n!lmes to God, and are we !inning againit him and God? his blood cryes, 0 that theft fouls may beJaved; and fhall our fins cry, it i& ju.ft that thefofoul; fhould be dP~mtml ? 0 mtnde the exemplar ! Chrift fpends all his time for you. do you fpend all your time for him : we cannot but judge this to be moft equal, that they who live fhould not hence forth live unto themfelves,but unto him who ever lives to ma~e in tercelfionf or them. · 3. He prayes for us and fo r all beleevers to his Father; let us pray fo r our felves, and for all our brethren, and for all forts of men, though they be our enemyes, for we were no b·etterto Jefus Chrift: 7e~~rneof me_{ faitH Chri!l:) and fo far as he is imitable let ~s foll ow him; doth Chrift pray ? let us pray; doth he pray for us and others ? let us pray for our fel ves, and then let us M mm 1Il mm z. pray