Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1006 Book.IV.Part.Vl. L·ooking unto ~e{us. Chap.z.Se~.;9 ufe, ' it is all oneasto fayhisinterceflion is ofnoufe; 'riet that we ·are fo good, that he cannot take exception againft us, and our prayers; but becaufe Chrill: is fo good, and his intercdlion for us is fo good, that he neither can, nor will take exception againft him, or his interccffion for us ; and in this cafe Chrifi and Chrifiians rpake ~ne perfon (as it were) in law; his intercefiion for us, and our mterceffions fonmr felves ·are but one interceffion : and indeed .he· fo mingles them tha; they . feem but one, for the fmoak.§ of the incenfe, and the prayerl~J'the Saints a(cend up rogether before g od 6Ut of the Anf.elJ hand, Rev.8.4. .. , 5· Chti{l pleads · the caufe of his people, and anfwers all the accufations of Satan againft them·; Oh. let us plead!for them for whom Chrift pleades, and anfwer the accufations of Satan, or his infiruments againfi their perfons; or their wayes. We have a ·ftrange generation of men abroad, whofe very Reli• · gion confifts in rayling, reviling, reproaching the fervants of , the living God; nor the heft men, nor the heft Minifiers , under heaven efcape them ; are they not all, fay t~ey, * Wolves, Dcg1, Hirelings, Priefts of Baa!, (vvetom, {11rna!, D11mned ; and what no t ? are they not all fay they ( as the Devil faid of Jofhua) cloathed with filthy garments? defiled totally, utterly defiled with the pollutions of Babylon ? Chriftians ! when you heare this language, learneyou to conforme to Chrift. go you firfi to God with the Lords own plea: now the L ord rebHk!; thee 0 Satan, even the Lord that ht~th chofen {erufalem rebuk.e thee: · *I \arely received a p~pe r wherein thcQ:!akersgave th e Mini!hrs of Cbrilt th& following names. . Colljurcrs , Tbcevcs, Robbers , An· :icbri(ts ,IJlhbes, Blind guides, Devlis, Lyars, B'als Pricfts,SirSymonds, DiJTcmblers , 1/pboldc rs ~ f the (ea"Uen l>caicd, and re nhorucd beaft s , a Viperour, aud ·'i'erpentincgc11eratioil . bloody Heradians, Blafpbtmer s. S£arlet ·C'· /ll llred bea{fs .B.1b)Ions merchants, Bzt{ic bodycs;t hi trd "·aUs, "P ahued Sepnlchcrs, Ra1J1ning wolves, Per(ecutors, T'yrunl!',grccdy dogs, f han((~s. Zach. 3. 2. And then go on in , vindication of their perfons and their caufe ; are they not precious, gracious, holy, able, !hinine, and burning lights? it may be fome of their perfons have been fault y ; but fay .of fi.1ch, is not tl;is a brand newly pluckf out of tpe fire? failings, and hu~ mane frailties have be-en in the befi: , yea in moft of the Pro• phets and A poflles, bot !hall we therefore condemne to hell the generation of Gods deare children? or howfoever it ina.y be wtrh the ir perfons, let is not ~heir t aufe and office of Chrifi:s · own