TO THE R E ·V ERE N D, · My much honoured friend and Patron, Mr~ . J.OHN BOND"' Mafier of. the SA VO T. Werth) S I .R, . Cannot· but exprelfemy. thankfulneff'e to yon for your many labours of love. Many yeares have I exercifed my mini- . ftry in Prefton, and many a time in thofe many yeares have I been folidted to remove to Garftang:e. It is now above fourteen .yeares fince Gt~rffange people firO: petitioned thofe in authority that I might be their MiniO:er, and after they had obtained agranr, andlhad thought s to be theirs, another unexpectedly O:epped in. Now oflate the place being legally ·voyd by the death of the fequeO:red incumbent, many ofthe people have renewed _their former petitions, and many endeavours have been againO: them. At laO: by a O:range and admirable providence I received (together with aninO:rument) a'letter from your felfe, containing thefe very words ; Reverend, and belo'T>ed Sir, 'the providence of God hath wondtrfa!ly· Appeared in caOing you to Gadl:ange ; you did nev(r 114k it, nor any other fo1' 1ou, n(ither did the Savgy know that it N n nn n n 2. waJ IOIJ..