IOU. w.u voyd, until! by providence I ~ame in to the Commiftioners for 4pprt~b{ltt on upon feme other oc~·afton, jujt in that nick of time 1vhen otJe ~-WtU difapproved: 'the mentioll ofGarlh nge in that vou Jid give me an hint of the whole buftnef~ and immediately the remembrance of you 1 .u the moft fit pufon for thatpeople, WIU {et home upon my heart; And ~tccordingly you are prefen ted by theStwoy.- Tour u.ll u v ery mamfeft, and more than ordinary, and thmfore 1 do earmj#y i.ntre.cte you to gird up your ·lojtm [peedi!y to the rvr>rk. .My prayers (/uch as they are) jlMllfotlaJV you in it, becaufe 1hope God h.ctbm11ch people in th111t pta". I make bold co repeacethus much of your lerter, becaufe of the many clouds that have been raifed to blind the peoples · eyes, as ifl had not adireCl, or righteous call . Indeed anorherpretendedtoatitle, but to that you writ,·' that from him yot~ receiveda letter, wherein he promifedto concNr, and aetptiefce in whomfower you jbould appoynt for• Garfiange. Yet fo tender I was in going thither, and the rather becaufe of thofe clouds unworthily raiied, that fometimes I demurred, fometimes I denyed togo, fomerimes I writ to you back againe, humbly defiring thar youwould pleafe to provide fome other, godly and able Minifter, for that place; and <ft !all: after hundreds of paffageisboth at Preftenand Gar(lange, I refolved roobey that call, which I verily beleeve I have from God to go ro Garjtange. I have•no more now to fay, but only to tell you that info great a Parilh (confifring offoUr· teen or fifteen hamlets; and containing many thoufands Gf peolJle rn it) I lhall wiltingly undertake to do what-! can , hut ~ot to do all that a Pofi~ur ordinarily ought to do, for it lS beyond me. If the adver[e party (ror there are multitudts of Papifb with us) think there is work enough for foureorfive Priefis, who have their confiant refidence in that Parilh, what work may you imagine - for