__ ..,......_ . . ------------·-------~ for one Gofpel· Minifier, efpecially having no affifiant at all, nor knowing for the prefenr, notwirhfranding his , defires and endeavours that way,. how he i11all be able to . procure one<: .Si~·, my work is finiilied at Prejlon, and another work is fince begun at Garflange. If I can but honour Chrift a~y where, though for my part llye in the duft, or in th~ dark, or under a cloude, I have enough. The day is acoming, when account mufi be given of·all things; and if we are but now in the work> we iliall be fure tiTcn, if never before, to have our reward. Lord minde us of that day1 and of the account3 that both. Minifiers and people mull: give at that day to the fupreame Judge of heaven:md earth. We ofthe miniftry wtttch for the p(oples fouls , '" they that muftgive account, oh that we may do it with joy., ttnd not withgrief. It is the hearty, prayer of SIR, Your engaged friend and; fervant to his power, 1. A.