Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1014 :Matth. 24. 3 o, ·3 r; Thenjha/l appeare the figne of the Son ofman in heaven, and then foal! tJil the tribes of the etJrth mourne, and they /hill fee the Son of .,__ man coming in the clouds ?f hetJven with power andgreat glory. And he [blfll fend hi1 Angels wJth a great found of a trumpet,and they follll gather together his £JefJ,from one end ofhMven to the other. _ ·Matth. 2). 34, 3)· 'Then {ball the King[~t} tB them on his right h11nd, comeye Mefed ·Of my FAther, inherit the Kingdome prepared for }911 fromthefoun• d~ttion ofthe world, for I wtU an hungred, AndJe gave me meat, I '11'.U thirfty, and yegave me drink.., &c. Matth. 19. 28. When the Son ofman foalt fit on the throne ofhis glory,ye aljofoafl .fit upon twelve thrones,judging the tl}Jelve TriiJes ofIfrae/. I Cor. 15. 24, 28. Then cometh the end, when he fhalt h11ve delivered up the King.. dome to qod, even the Father.-Andwhen all thing:rfoall be fubduul Hntohim, then'fball the Son alfo him(elfe be fubjeCl unfo him thllt p~tt all things under him, that God m~ty be all in all. ' Heb.12.2. i. Cor.3 .18.Phil.3.20. Tit.2.13. Rev.2o.u. -2r.r Looking unto {efm, the begimier, and finifber o/ our f11ith.- We all with open face beholding tU in a gla.ffe the glory of the Lord, arc changed into the fame image from glor; to glory.-For our converfation u in heaven,from whence atfo we lookjor the Saviour tbe Lord 'fefus Chrift.- We look,. for that blejfed hope, and thegl9rious ap· pearing of the great qod, and our Saviour Jejus Chrijf. ·-And I faw the dead,(mt~l! andgreat, Hand before God, andthe book} were opened,and another book_was opened, which is the book of life.---And IJaw a new heaven, and anew earth,for the firft heaven,and the ftrft e.:~rth were pafleJ t~way, (lr;d there was m more [ea. · LOQK.