IOI6 Book:V. '- ----------------------------~~----------------- LDikJngunto1efm. Chap.1.Seet.9 called; and whom he ct: lled , them he al(o juflijied; andwhom he jHflijied, them he a!J(j glorified. In this piece alfo as in the former we Oull firft lay down the object, .and then give direcHom how to look upon it. The object is 'fefm, carrying on the great work of our falva-. tion in his coming againe to earth, and taking up ~ith him all his Saints into heaven. In this work I 1hall iet before you thefe particulars: 1. Chri!l! prefJaring for judgement. 2· Chrifts coming to judgement. 3. Chrifl:s fum~ons of the Eled: to come under judgement. 4· Cbrifl: and the Saints meeting at the judgement day. 5. Chrifl:s fentencing or judging the Saints for eternal ,glory. 6. Chrifl: and tbe Saints judging the refl: ofthe world. 7. <:;hrift and his Saints going up into heaven; when 1hall be the end of this world. 8. Cbrifl: furrendering and delivering up the Kingdome to -God ev:ea the Father. 9· Chrifl:s fubjection to the Father, that God may be all in all. 1 o. Chrifl: ( notwithfl:andiogthis) being all in all to his bldfcd, faved, redeemed Saints to all eternity. · , ' r. For his preparing for judgement. When once tbe ·dumber ofall his Eled: fhaU be compleated, and the work.of hi's interceffion iliall be at an c41d, theq imme~iately \fill follow.thcfe particulars. As. · · · • I. A great VO)Ce comes out of the Tnnpl( of he;.ven, foying, it i{ done. It comes out·oftheTemple qfhcaven, that we may underftand it to be the voyce of Chrifl:. And if this fpeech be directed unto God, it is as if Chr~ft hJd befpolre h~~Father,• And now Q my hl'htr I have. dune r thAt office of'ifie ·Priifl~gpd which 6y agreement we eretlrd,ir11ow lit ttn tnd: here 1 have {t1te fit thy ri~ht hand interceding .for my S~tint.t ever jince mJ lljcetJjion; and ofall that th~u haftgiven me Gy thine eternlll efeElion I btwe no·t loft a Saint; in tlot-ir fiveralagu I protl~c(d them andgafle them 4 6eing, 11nd in their titrm I remem6red th(m 11na prifmttd their Ci~tditioHs ~tnd nut/]lties hfure thet ; . Md now]htwe not aSt!ifJt more;