Chap. I .Se&. I Looking rmto :jefm, BooiV. 1017 more. in the book of life there is not mJOther name written to be borne ~n earth; and to wh,tt pttrpofe /hou!d I norp continue the "Jpor/d? the Saint! are they for r11hom l1rM1~e theworU, the Saints r<re they that holdforth the ligbt ofmy gMy tn the wtr!d, the Snints are they for whom my m rnal cotmfel• before the world did work, theStili!JtJ are they for whom I was content to foed nq precious blood when I wM in th11t world below; and now their number is cornphated, I am refolved to unpin the fabric~( ofthe world, and t.1k§ it down; it ftands but for theirJak!s, 11nd therefore now let the flventh A ngel 6/ow his trumpet, that the myftery of God mtty be fin ifhed. I fwe~tre by him _lives fer ever th .~t time jb.!lf/ be no ~~;:!~·7• longer. 2, No fooner thisfaid, ~ut the (eventh A ngel founds. This Rev.1 1.1 )· feventh Angel (faith Pareus) is the Archangel that prodaimes Chrifts coming, with a great and migh~y 1hout; f er the L r,rd . himfeife foalt defcend from heavrn with a fhout, with the voyce of 1 Tbcf. 4· l6. the Archangel, 11nd with the trump of God. The Lord 1hall ' defcend with a 1hout ; but before he defcend, and I beleeve upon the very difcovery of his coming down, there will be a fhouc in heaven; for fo it follows, And the feventh Angel founded, and there Vi!]CeJ in heaven, if we may beleeve Commentaries, theft are the voy~no[ blef{ed fouls, and h!ejfed Angels in hMven ; no fooner Chnft btds the Angel found] , q. d. Pare:u in luc.. fummon thofe bletk_d fouls that were fiaine for the Word of God, and therefore cryed, how long Lord, holy and tme ? fum. Rev mon thofe bldfed{ouls that havecryed fo long, come L rJrd {efm Rcv.u.10 ' comequick!); fummon all fouls, and fummon all Angels, and bid them waite on me, now I refolve to go down, and to judge the world:) no (ooner I fay Chrift bidsthe Angel found . but prefently at the joy of this , command all the voyces in h~aven give up a ~out; why, this is the_ long iookt for-day; the day ofperfechng the number ofthe Samts ; the day of Joyning the fouls and bodyes of the Satnts together; the day of convening all the familyes both of Saints and Angels under one roofe. the day ofbringing up the Bride unto the Lambe, and of compleating the marriage in its higheft folemnity : and therefore no won_der ifat this news greAt v~7ce~ a.nd cryes ( fuch as are ufed by Manners , or gatherers of the vmtagc) were made in heaven. Oh what an addition of joy is this to heavens joy ic felfc ! the ' 0 0 o 0 0 0 fpirirs