Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

,Chap; x .Secl. 1 Bo0k.V. 1or9 time w,u not for rtJQrta!s to kz;r;w, bt$t mw •twM revealed ·ro thefe -., ~ celejfi.sJ !piritt bJ (hrijl, ana therefore they beg '[O on L_ grd Jefm; '!olrta/rvut~~~- h r. h S. 1--:,a. h' tm;t~ept- • reward now t 7Jervants, 'Prep ets, amts; and ue1.roy t-hem w sch b1u vero 1111~~ deftroyed tbetarth. reuel~tum a 4· God the Father i.s well pleafed with Chriils purpofc: of~brifto. Praeus j~dging the ~o~ld. The f:ordfaia _unto my Lord fit tho'! at my ~1r~l:'~ 10 _ I-, nght hand, unttlt I mak! thtne enemw thy f'otftoole, I know thefe words were fpoke to Chri11 at his afcenfion into heaven, yet that hinders not but that now God fpeaks them againe to Chrift ; for ,u yet (h-tith the Apoftle) we fee not all things put under him ; and Gods purpofe was that Chrift iliould rule, untill ·he had put Heb. : .s. all thing10 in fubjed:iot~ under his feet . Nay, why not thefe words fpoken now rather than before? Chrift indeed reigned as King ever fince his afcenfion, but now more efpecially he is to manifeft his Kingdome, for now is he to judgeamong the heathen, pr 1 6 . h d h b J .!" . h Ia . !lo. • now IS e to woun t e eaM o 1 man) cour.trJes, now IS e ~o overthrow Pope, Turke, and all his enemyes, and he ~loae with the Father and the Spirit is to reigne in his Eled: Saints and Angels. Thus all agree, that Chrift in the latter dayes fltall he fully honQured in his Kingly power; hitherto Chrift hath been much honoured in his Prophetical and Prieftly office, but not fo much in his Kingly:, but now he muft be fully honoured in his Kingly office; now efpecially the Kingdomu of thu wcrld muft become thi Kingdomes of the Lord, and of his Chrift, and fo he fh•lil reigne for Rev.JJ, I>· ever and ever. Certainly there is a difference betwixt Chrifts reigne before, and his prefent reigneat the day of judgement, Chrlft hat!~ a double throne wherein he firs and reignes, u him that overcomNwillig-ive to fit with me in my throm, ,u I a!fo over- Rev 3.2 r. came, and-am fet •down with my Father in his throne. That Kingly rule that Chrift hath from his afcenfion is upon his Fathers throne, but the Kingdome that Chrift '{hall have at the day of judgement and ever after, it is the joync reigne of him with the: Father, _he {hall have a throne himielfe; and the Saints {ball fit ·· with him in his own throne; And now faich the Father, fit thou .tt my right hand, q. d. fit on thy own throne by me; go on to judge the nations; I will not judge them, but only in thee, and by thee; lo I have committed all judgement unto the Sonm, and Jolq. 21 • do thou judge them, untill thou haft rewarded thy friends, and made thine enemies thy foorftoole. Marke, h-e h.tth committe.! O,oooooz aft