Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

I ozo Book.V. Loolcing unto 1efr~s. Chap.x.Sect.~ - all judgement unto the Sonne; the Father gives the Son a com_. million, wherein is-written_(asitwere) thefewords, my Sonne, , "Pe:. po. now is the time or feafon which l had put in my own power; 11nd m1 , pleafure is that all the world (hall be Jet on fire: the[e heavens ttnder thee /hall paffi ()Way -with a gmtr ~:~oy(e, 11nd the elementJjhall melt wiPh fervent heate, the .e.1rth alfo, and the work! thllt Fire there- - 1 j , in /halt be burnt up; and I will hAve new heavens, l}nd" new earth, wherein foal/ dwell r~[hteoufnej[e; go too then, put-on thy robes, ttppearein thy glory; empty this hraven of all thofe glorious fjiriu , that 11re therei,;, and let them waite on thee to thy judgement ftate; .. - go, pa.fJe thy aoome upon all j/.ejh; andfend rtprof:Mtes to he//, and bring up hither all thy S~tints, that they m11y live with thee, and _ here behold thy glory for ever and ever. Lo here is thy · commif!ion; be gone, ,And returne no mQre hither untill it be ac- _ complifhed... V./e Chriftians, I cannot but wonder at' this joy and exultation in -- heaven, .. and that we have fo little or none of this on earth ; we . fay witq cold lips, and frozen hearts; thy Kin1,dome come, thy will be done in earth tU it u in· heaven ; but if our prayers werr real and fervent , ifwe could but irnirate thofe-heavenlycitizens, what longings . would be in our hearts after Chrifts· corning? how fupuld we rejoyce at the very thoughts hereof? •Chrift comfort- . iog his Difciples in refpect hereof, he fpeaks thefe words, whew L!tk.t.x 28 . thefe thingJ begin tocome to p11j[e, then look_ up ( faid he) and lift up , JOUr heads ,foryour redemption dr11weth nigh. The fulnelfe ofour - J;"edemptionis-a ground of confolation; all the fpirirs above-are fen6ble of this; God, and Chrift; and the Angels, and Saints , rejoyce, and againe rejoyce. The Spirit and the Bride fay, t;ome; . R.ev. u , 17, and Chrifi himfelfefaith,fure/y/ come quickJy; 0 let us fay A~ - v~r. 2a. men to it\ even fo come Lord J~fr..t' • . S E CT. 2. Of Chrift. coming to judgement. ;z.,- F.- Or Cnriil:scornmg -to judgement~ no foone.r Chrill: pre~· - pared, and all in readin~lf( but down he defcends from-. ' . - hii ,