€hap.1.Sectz. Looking untiJ:je(ru. Book.V. IOH the Angels then faid, ye men of Galiter, why ftand ye gadng up , into hniVen? thio [t~me {efm which is tak§n up from you int&heaven, ffiall fo come, -in Jikf manner as ye have !fen himgo into heaven. Aet.r .u.r:. He went up in clouds, an.d he fhall come down in douds. 1 faw in the night vifions , and behold one lik._e the Sonne {man came Dan. 7• 1 3· with the cloud's ofhea••..'tn. Here is the firH fight ofChnil: to men on the earth; when once h<: is come down into th<: clouds, then fhall they lift up their eyes, a11d have a full view of ]efus Chriil; a cloud firH: received him out of their fight-; and a cloud now difcovers him to rh;:irfight; thenfoa!l appear the figne of the Son Mat,Z4.3o, ~f man in heavm, and they foal! fee the Sonne of man coming in tht tlouds ofheAven with power andgreat glory: is it not plain rh.tt the fi.rH: appearings, and light of ChriH at his fecond coming from heaven, is in the midll of clouds ? behold he cometh with clouds and R • everJqefoailfeehim, and they alfo whicb pierced him. · So:ne ev.I·7• ~ comraver!ie there is about thefe clouds, as whether they be Angels ? when the Pfalmtll: fpea.ks of all forts ofMeteors, as of waters, clouds, winds, flames., fome fay, all thefe ar.:: Angels; and oft he .Angels hefaith, who mak.!th his Angels fpirits, and hit H b Miniflers aflame offin. For my part I take it in the literal fenfe, t ' 1 ' 7 ' that upon the very backs of douds Chria 0aU· co:ne riding along at the general day ; and howfoever thts may feem a fmall matter unto us, yet I canner look on any circumHance of this tranfaClion as fmall and trifling! the very douds on which . ChriLl: rides,fpeak terrour, and comfort. I. Oh wh.<t a terrour is this to the wicked? they jM/1 fee the . Sonne ofmAn comingintheclouds, andthenjbflll ali the Tribe.r ofMat. 24· 3°• the earth mourn. ThefeTribes of the earth are the tribes of the wicked; no fooner fhall they lovk d h . Jd de impii; (olrrrn int eli i go, ad up?an feeC nit i~ his cloud~,but with uncm~- - quosplacuttu &' tuelm illcmifocelVable horror will they cry It out,O yonde r IS tgndtu (olrtm pertinct, A1et1us he whofe blood we negletted, whofe gr.1ce we jn Lwum. reftfied,whofe councels we refufed, whofe go· vernmem we ca!l: off. 0 yonder is he that comes now in douds in tem£eHuo~s clouds_; 0 fee how he Horms!do not thofevery douds 111 whtCh he ndes fpea-k or threaten a!tonne ? ln the eighteenth Pfalme is a d_efcrip~ion of ChriHs comin3 to judgment. But 0 how ternble ? m the feventh verfe we .hncie the earth trembling; in the eighth-verfe; afire devoH;ing; in the · nimh ,\