1014 Book.V. Looking Nnto 1efus. Chap.x.Sea.z n. I g S nimh verfe, the heavens bowing downwards : in the I 2, I 3, 14 .-,a ol •7 ' ' r h" ~ l d d ~- · h ~ · h d · ' 9 . 10 , 1.5. ver1es, are t ~C~t-C au s ~~>0111g t e S>;Je, t .un ers, light· ll, u, I), nings, hayle-fto11CS.fiying through the ayre, the fottt.~dations of the 14, 1 5· .world difcovmd; _t;hus the Mighty God, our Jefus detcends. Oh how Jl•ould rhe wicked but tremble at this, when but a conllder,ltion 9!rhis h,l~h fo~eri~nes . !larrleJ G?ds ?Wn people? behold Habflk..k!dtwHh qurvenng hps, rremblm3 Joynrs,_bones moulderir1s imo du!l, when he had ~nely a Propherick reprefentation of Chrill:s fecond -appearance l all the dreadful thiri"s th.1t attended-the prefence of God in Egypt, at the rd Sea o';i Mouut Sinai, through theWilderneile, are made but types,but .fhadowes of the terribLe march of the Captaine ofthe Lord of .Hoils;and therefore i11all the wicked mouni. 2. Here is rhe patience, and faith, and joy of Saints. And all the kjndreds of the earth foal/ mourne ~ver him; evtn Jo, Amen, This I cannot but underHand of the wicked; onely fome tell us of a double mourning on that day, the one of joy a'nd love; and the other oHorrow and defpair ; I Jll::tlrnot deny but there may be fome fweet teares upon this fweet fubjett, Chrifts apparition in the clouds : Such a f11ine will be from ChriLl: in the cloud, that the very iliin<: will pierce the hearts ofmen with the golden-headed arrow of love, and how rr:ay this work tears? from this Text of 'fobKJ , Behold he cometh with clouds, 3nd every eye /hnll foe him, and they alfo which pierced him , and all the kjndreds of the earth foal/ wAyle, &c. Some . Hinc co_nfe- Divines garber, that Chrifl: at that day , will iliew .'in qwzu~ Chrz-_ his ;Jorified body rhe wounds of his crucifying, as an infallible fTt'm zn eo IU· - I . . . II h" . . dh h . di~io ciwri- trophy of 11s vr~l.ory over a Is enemies; an ence t e wrckm vulnemm o- ed vvbo pi~rced, or crucified th<: Lord of glory, by their llnn~s, · ficn[urum WI· will weep,· and waite. I can think no le{le, bur that Chrifl: qtw~ tr_op!J,;t ,,m at rhar day will open hi~ bofo01e, and fhew rhofe wounds of - 111 fa!lzkzt cfcon- love , which he.had in his hearr fro .n all eterl'lity, to >ether wirh f,/~ amncs uos · h · d h · 0 hofles Aret . in t~?fe ~vm,_nds \\hie h~ recerve on t e Crofi~, a-s they are. glol<>co. n~:ed m hts etern 1llove: Jnd rh~n as at the dt{covery of {ofeph h~ .mel hi, brethren fell u?on rh~ necks of e1ch orher and wept; Jo nil! rhi,; c ifcoYery !~the app~ar.mces ofChriH bring a fweet coni·w.onuron rhe !;mrs of Samts; then l11Jll a Saint fall ar rhef:er ofLis Sa,·iour, •:nJ weeping fay, 0 my Jefus l thou arc n:1 F.lth~r, Broth~t1 Husbanr, Self; while there were o- . .rher