Chap.1.Se6t. ~ Loolting unto 1ef•. Booic v. xoz7 miniftringfPirits, fent fort~ to minifl:~r for them, _wbojh111l be htirs of[ 11 /vatiBif l Now a~cordmg to thetr office.Chrtft puts them uponimploymentatthtsday. q. a, Omy~ngeisl you th11twait 11ponme, th~ttexcttl in.ftrength, that do mJ comm:rndrnen:s, andpral.toJ . :.O. hutrf<!n to the v oyce ofmJ Word: goyour Wll}eJ 1ww tnto all the four p ial.5o. ~ . wi14ds oftht warld, gather all my Saints together unto rne, thofe thltt have m11de a covenant with me by {acrifice; fe~~rch i11toal! the dufls of tbe earth, ;end leave not ~ehind one du.ft thAt ~dongs tmto 1my SAint; ftArch into t.he bottome of t~e ~~~~; fee wh11t becomes ofthofo drowned l!odiu ofmJ deare ones; if tithe: wormn h~tve eate1J thoft in graves, or fifhes httve devoured them m the detp, why now rtf/ore them ; Am·not I lit able to recover them, 111 I was tq create them ? is it not as e11jie for r11i[e the deAd, as to m.ak.! heavm, an~ eArth, and Aliofnothmg? go then, 11nd gather together all thofo duftt, and let every du]/ be brought h~me to ·~tsown p1oper 6od], And mnp11tf thofe dufls 111 [oft As they Are 1nto [oiuJ bonu; and propbejie uponthofe bones, and[llJ unto tht7», 0 ye drJ l>oneJ, huw the Word . of the Lord; thus fait? the Lord, be_ho/d 1'11ill ca11{e brt~~_th tiJenter Er.:k . ~ 7 . ~.,,. into pu, andJf {hall/we; and I wtlllaJ finewu upon fou, and co- ~ · ver JON with skjnnr, .tndpRt breath in JOH, and Je ./hal/live llnd JC 6 • fo•lt know thlilt I 11m the Lord; why this is my will 11nd ple.fsm, ttnd therefore begone, 0 my .Angels J~ymr offi-ce, 'Whttt? hAve not I -c1mm•11ded JOH ? • · . . . z.. The miiiion, or comml!1ion, or .dtfimflion oiven the Anaels, fwift me£fengers of his will fall on the exec~tion ! and to that purpofe immediately they found the Trumpet ; fo it foil owes, ll»d he jluttl fend his ~ngeis with a great found of a Trumpet. He~e is i:he manner of th_~ir milli?n ; they 8<? , an~ as they go they giVe a !hour ; what thts l110ut 1s, or how 1r i..; made is a curious gucltio~?and fets many wits on work, ' in thi Scnpturems fet out by the found of a ot Anrelmus ;11 tlucidJril. Trumpet; ' Nowfomewould haveittobe a Suaret. tubnx aerc. Doaor material Trumpet, b,ecaufe rhe Scriptures fre- Slater, who Cti th r fee not, but quently call it a Trumpet; he fh.rll fend hu wee ~ay ,take i.t properly 1 &,, A~tgels with thefound of aTrump(t,faith Chrift; Coruelu3 a l~pzdc, · 11ndi1411 mome11t,in the twinckfing oflln eye, at the laftTrnmpe we fball bechttngrd (faith Paul) for the Trum- Mat·!4· 3r. pet/hal/found, and the deadjba/16e raifed. And theLord himfelfl Cor . I) ,~ 2., jhAII de[cendfrGmh~~~'!'~n'll'i~h a fooilt, anJ with the voyce of the 1 f hef.4. 16. , · Pppppp2 An~