Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~·----------------,> --------·------------------~ Chap. 1. Sett.9. Looking unt6tfefus. Book. H. name is the Branch. And for this agreem~nt it is, that Chrifi is called the fecond A,lam, for,as with the firfi Adam God plighted a Covenant concerning him, and his pofierity , fo alfo he did indent with Chrifi and his feed concerning eterna life to be obtained by him. I deny not but that fome promifes were made. onely to Chril.l: in his own perfon, and not to defcend to hts ch!ldren, as Sit on my right hand until I niakJ thine enemies thy f oot- H b , jfo~le. and he fhalt foe his feed, he jh11Jl prolong his dayes, the Hac 5 ·; ' 1 ~ . pleaf~re of tke Lord foal! profjm in his ?an~r; ~nd .uf<!ofme , pr.'•. s~ e~ and I will gwe thee the heat~en for thme mhmtance, and the Hrb, r .~ . ' . uttermoft parts of the earth for thy pof[effion. But there are o- Jcr.p.3 i , ther promifes made to him and his; as that grand promife, I will be to him a Ft1ther, and he foal! be to me a Sonne; it is fi rft made to him, and then to us: and that fpecial prom!fe of fpiritual grace, [ohn I. 16. ofjufiification, !fa. 50. 8: of victory '!nd dominion, Pfal I I o. 2. of the .Kmgdome ofglory, Lu~e 24. 26. they are every one firfi made to him, and then to us; -The bu- .(ineife from eternity lay thus; here is man loft (faid God to .his Sonne) IJHt thou foalt in fulnej{e of time go and be borne offlefh . and blovd, and dye for them' ana fatisfie my juftice ' and they fhall be thine for t11 portion , and they foal! be called the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord, Ifa. 6:t. I 2 •. This foalt thou do (faid the Father) and upon theft termes they foal! live that beleeve. This was Gods G:ovenant with the Sonne of his love for us; to whom theSonneanfwered (as it were) again; Centent Fathtr, . I will go, ar:d fulfil thy pl(afure, and they foal! be mine for e- · ver; 1 will in the fu!neJTe V time die for them, and they foall live in me; burnt-offerings, dnd fln-Qfferings thou haft not requi- Pl.4o;6q~ red, (no, it wa& felf:-ojfering) then [aid I, loe 1 come, in the volume of the book_ it is written of me to do thy will 0 my God! In what book was it written that Chrill !hould come to do the willofGod? ~otonelyinthebook of the L~ w and the Pro-Rev.t3 .s; phets, but alfo m the book of Gods decrees : In this fenfe the L amb wM ~aine from)he foundation of the world. His Father from before all time appointed him to be our high Priefi and he from all eternity fubfcribed to his Fathers pleafure in it. ' ' In G~lath. 3· I 5. 'Brethren, lfPeakJ after the manner of men, though tt be but a mans Covemmt , yet if it be confirmed, nomatJ difanulteth, or addeth thereto. N ow to Abraham and his feed UJi Z. , Wf f C