Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.x.Sett 3• Looking fmto 1ef 114. Book V. zo·i9 or held forth rhe coming ofChriH in three particulars; with a jbo~t withavoyce, andwithaTrumpet; fome rhink rhisto b:! one ~nd rhe fame fer out in variety of expreffions ; but I am of anor~ermind_e. It i; agreedby I~o~th,tt rhe rranfatti?ns at rhe orvin:r of the Law 011 Mount Smm were a reprefenrauon of the l'rc>c~edings, which 01all be at the gre,:r day ~f judgment ; now in rr,mf.tction we read of a three-fold vmce, the voJce of qod, the. voyce of thundtr, and the voyce ofa 'Trumpet. ( Exod. 19·.' r6. compared with Exod. 20.1. ) .and accordinzlywefind the Apoflk . fpeaking of a three-fold voyce, of the voice Df Chrift , of the VOJCC of thunder, 11nd of the voyce of a Trumpet. . r. The Lord hi ·11felf fhall defcend with a jbout. Arim • Mmtanm, and the vulgar rranllate it IYith a command ; L;ra and others think this to be the voyce of ChriJ himfelf, faying, wirh a loud voyce.., A rife ye dead, and come to judgment. Thus Joh' 11 48 : . Jefus cryed wirh a loud voyce, Laz.11rm ceme forth; and with · · ' fuch a voyce will h.e c11l on the dead at the !all: day. So much )oh.5·25'· . Chriit himfelfh.1th Wight us ; the hofosre i/ coming, and now u, when the de,uifoall hear the poyceojtheSomleofGod, tmd they that hear fhalt live. The houre is, becaufe by his voice he raifed f?me at his firll: '?mit~g: and the hour is,becaufe in the like manner he Willwfe up all men at th~ !all: day; Marvaile Joh.5. 1a, .not at thu ( [trith (hrift) for the houre i.r coming, in the which all that are in the graves fh:dl hear hi.r 'iloyce, and they fh.,i/1 come forth. As at the creation of rhe world he f.1id, · let there be light, and there wM litht;fo at the difiolurion of the world·he willG1y,ler the de11d arife, let _the Sea give up the dead that are in it, and death and bell deliver up the dead which are in them;and it will be Jo. 2. The Lord lh1ll clefcend with the voyce Qf the Arch• angel. Two guettiom here; r. who is this A:chm6el ? 2. what is this voyce? For the firii·, fo'11e argue this Archangel to be Gabriel, others Raphad, ochers Michael. The J ewes hlYe an amient rndition, rh1t there are feven principal An_:;els rh.1r mini:ler befor~ rne Throne ofGod, and ·rheref01:e cJ!!ed Arch:m.sels. The Scriptures feem to fpeak much th,ltway, allin;rheG:, [even lampt s.Revei 4 . r• of fi~"e burning hefDre the Throne: ancl_Fvm hornes, and [even eyes oft he Lamb; and the Jeven Spirits 6} God fent fi~ti, in,to <ill theH,ev 5 ·6 • Pppppp3 (,mb ;