,Io~o Book.V. .£ooking unto Jefus. Zach.4.10. Rev. s. ~ . Colof.u·S. Exod.19t6, - 10 . 18, Heb. ~ , z . earth; and (~ven t]fl of tife'Lord, '!Phich runne to And fro through . the whole earth.; and yet more plamly, [even Angels th11t ftand before qod. Nowwhich ofthefe fevell is the Archangel, here fpoken of, · is hard to determine ; onely probable it is , that all the Arch.mgels, and all the Angels a.re hereby underHood, as co~nprehended under that one; to wh1~h agrees, Mat. 24. 3 I. Mr. Aynfworth obferves, that when thmgs are done by a multitude, where one is chief,thatthe aCl:ion is frequem1y afcribed either :o the mulcitude, or t~ him thac ·is chief indifferently; as/jehoulda brought forth the Ksngs [on, 11nd htput tho crownu1on .him, z Kings I I • 12. or they brought forth the Kings {omit, 11nJ ' theJPHt 11pon him the crown, 2 Chron. -23. H . . fo 'Da:{Jid ojfereJ. -burnt·offerings, 2 Sam. 6. 17. or they offeredburnt-offerinos, 11 Chron. 16. I . and fo he {hall defcend 'l'l'ith tbe voyce of~he .Archllltgel ; or he fo~oll fend his Angtls with 11 grw found, .M.lt. 24. 3· · . ·That there are feven principal Angels MaHer Mede affirmes;· and that there is one which yet eminently is called the Archangel; fome others affirme.; as among Divels, there is one chief Divel, called the Prince,o/'Divels; and therefore the fire ·is faid to be prepared for the <Dive/ and his Angels, fo from this Text of 1 The[. 4· 1·6. and of Dan. I o. 13, and of 'fude ver.9. .Some probably conclude that th;! good Angels have a Prince,- even Michllel, whom 'fude calls the Archangel. But of this no more; rhe Lord keep me from intruding into thofe thing1 which I have mt feen. The day it felfwill difcover it, and fo I leave ic as having faid enough to f.1tisfie th'i fober minded. For the fecond, what is this voyce of the Archangel ? I conceive thlt thereby we:. are to underHand thunder : here is (as we have faid) a manifelt alluiion to the proceedings at the giving of the Law, now the vcices there mentioned befides the voice ofGod, and the voice of a Trumpet,is the voice of thu~ader, and it came to paffe on the third day in the morning, there were thun-. ders. In this fenfe fome expound tbefe words of the ApoHie, where the Law is faid to be Jfrok..en hJ Angels, becaufe the Angels did raife up thofe extraordinary thunders, which happily were the macrer of the articulate voice, in which the Lord fpake to 1 frat! : or if the Law was fpoken by ChriH: ( as I 'have delivered .. my