~--------------~-----------------~---------------~ Chap,~ x .sect. 3 LDoking unJo 1efeu. , Book.V. 1031 my opinion elfewhere) he bein,s the Angel of the Coven ant, B' !r .Mal. 3· 1. nnd the Angel ofhie prefence, Ifa. 6:3. 9 -- Yet this hin- c~~P·~;. · ders nor, bur rhar created Angels mi5ht fpeak rhe Law too, if sea .~. not in refpeet: of the articulate voice, yer in re.fpea of the voice of thunders whiCh attended on it, thus thunder is often caiied the 'lloir:e of God, and the voyce if hi:-exce/lency-, ]ob.37-4.5 , Pfal• . Z9·3 ,4.5 ,6,7,8,9. . 3· Thelor<tiballdefcend with theTrumpe GfGod. Such· a voycewas ufedalfo at-the giving of the Law, Exod. 19. 16 .and Exod. 20. 18-. and fo it will be now when men are called ro account for the keeping or breaking of it. For rhe underl1:anding · of this, our laH: tranfiari6n tells us, th,lt Chri.ft jb~tl! fend his An- Matt h. 14·31•· gels with thegreat found of a Trumpet, but in four Greek copies, as Be:u~ confefferh, as alfo in the Hebrew Gofpel of Mntthew, and in the vulgar, and in the margent of our Ia11: tranflarion, it is read, thar Ohriftjha/l fend his Angels with aTrumpet, and 11 grtllt VQJCe. And fo the latter words are exegetical,· q~d. 'fPith II. Trumpet, that is, with" great voyce, li/:t.the vofr:e of 11 Trumpet;fo that this_reading very probably proves that the laH Trum- . pet is to be taken metaphorically. For the more full fOnhr:na- . tion whereof! argue thus; when any thing is afcribed ro the An- ~els which .is not fuitable to·their fpirirual nature, and which th~y !Uve no need offor the work they are about,itis to b'e taken me- ·· taphorically ; unlefk the context or fome other Scripture force . us to a proper aceeptation.; but . a material Trumpet offuver, bi:affe, or th~ likemetal, is not fuitable to the fpiriEual nature ofthe Angels; neither h,we they need of fuch a Trumpet for producing a great found in th~ ayre; ic is evident that without a Trumpet they can make a great found lil(e th~ noife of a Trutn-. pet ; ,omd there is nothing at all in the Scriptures that will force : us , or probably lead us to a proper acceptation cf the word ; adde yer to what hath b'een-faid , that fometimes a great voice _ is fet out by the Gmifitude ora Trumpet, I htarJ behind me a. . great voyce , as - of .c Trumpet , Rev. I. ro. and the (irft voyce which I heard, wM M it were of 11 Taumpet, , _Rev.4.1. But why is this found as of a Trumpet called ihe Trumpet of God? I anfwer,for the greatne!le of ir ; for 'it> ufual in rhe k{ebrew1anguagefor the letting fonh.ofgreamefie,excetlency, or fuparlativeneife -