10 p. Book V. LookiT~g unto :fefeu. Chap.! .Sed:. 3, \ . ' fuparlativenelf~ of_a rhin_g, to adde the name ofG~d to ·the word, . ~':hereby_ the thn:g 1~ Ggn~fi~d; as Gm.23, 6. A Prince qf qod, (1) a M1ghry Pnnce, Gen. 3o. 8. with the wreftlings ofGod, (i.) .w1th great wre_(l:lings, Pfa/. 36. 6. Mountaines of C:od (i.) Great Mountames, <pf;~l. So. ro. Cedars of qed, ( 1.) very high ·cedars. ~o here the Trump of God, (i.) ' A very oreat found, like the found of a Trumpet. It is faid in the Law, there were thunders, and lightnings, and a thick._ cloud tJpon the Mount, and thevoyce of the Trumpet exceeding loud, Jo that all the people thllt wM in the camp trembled, and ifthere was rremblilF at rhe r,iving of the Law, qh what rremblin5 will be at rh~ ge':leral Al1ize, when fmners {hall be condemned for breaking oflt? 3· No foonerrhe!hout made, but the Saints arife; it is true, the Saints that are alive need no refurretl:ion, but upon them will this Trumpet have 'tts effect. Something like death iliall ce:~ze upon them, and they iliall be changed. The order of .t'-Thef. 4,1), this is given in by the Apoille from the Lorci;Thu we fay unto you by the Word of our Lord, that we which are alive, arzi remain unto the coming of the Lord, foal! not prevent tlum which are lljleep; for t6,17. the Lord himfelfjhall defcend from heave'! _with a flmtt, with the voyceoftheArchangel, andwiththeTrumpeofGod, ar.d the dead _, in Chrift {ball rifr firjl; then we which are alive lind remain foa!L be caught up together with them into the cloud_s. The fir[l that {hall be called are the $,1inrs th,lt fleep, and then rhe S,1irits rhat are alive ·{hall be immediately changed. Oh wlut a d,cy 'will this b<:? wh.1t aGrmge_fight to fee a~l the dead ever i1nc~ the bet;inning ofrhe world nfe out of the1r graves? for the wtcked I beleeve they f11all rife like to.1des from their holes in a .black, fwarrhy, ugly colour: A 9uett io:1 is a_mot13ll: th.e ' school~s.'whet~er Reprobates f11all rife agam w1th all rheu defo;·mmes wh1cb they had in this life ? as fome of them being blind, h,1lt, lame, maimed, deaf, dumb, , &c. vvhether now they Oull r.ife in the felf-{a[ne concirion? for my p.m I conceive that whereas God the AuthourJoftuture, ~y'ill at rhar day re[~ o re hllmane narure, rh,1t rh<:re~re there !hall be no defects of mtural pam_; ,certainly no~~ {hall be wanting in the d,1m11ed; which may impede the fenk 'of torment li1 .il11Y parr, now a defetl: of any member would ~inder th;:fe univerfal torments' that mult ceaze