LoDking unto !fefus. ' BookY. -ceaze on every part of the bodi.!s of the damned in hell; their. bodies therefore fhall hi! whole, onefy the bodies of fuch fhaU be foule, ugly, heavy, lumpi1h bo<iies, as oppofed to the glorious qualities of the bodies of Saints; why, what bodies (you will fay) h:tve they? I · anfwer, glorious bodyes : no fooner ihall the bodies of the Saints arife, but they !hall exceed with iingubr qualities; They were [owen in corruption, but they tflre rai{ed in incorruptim; they werefowenin dijhonour, b11t rnifed in 1 Cor.Jr.-u, tJory ; they were[own in wenle.!zrjfe, but rt~ifed in power; they were 4 3> 44 ' [owen natura! bodies, but rai(fdJPiritual bodin The Sunne in its fhinin~. , doth but lhadow forth rhe glory of their bodies ; and rhis will in lome meafure torment Reprobates, to fee the difference of their bodies and the bodies of the Saints. 0 (will they fay) yond are they, whom we defpifed, and now are they honoured. ~ee a world ofSunnes rifing at once out of all parts of th<: earth; fometimes we lived on earth, and we never faw but one Sunne rilin3 in the Eafl, but Joe millions of Sunnes on Ea!J, and Well , and North, and South; 0 thofe are the glorious S.1ims of heaven; fee with whit fwift and agil bodies they are f·rep.uing to fly inro the ayre, to meet their Lord and Saviour there; whilell in the mean time we rife with fuch heavy, dull, and deformed bodies, thlt we cannot mount, 0 what will become of us ? why this is the day of refurreEt.ion. The Angel; have been here t~ unfeale our graves , to 'roll away. the Hones, and at therr Jbout, and found of the Trumpet, our feme red dulls have met tozether : and loe now we-Hand upon the earth. · 4.. No fooner the Saints raifed, and their foules and bodies re-united with excellent Majefly, but then !hall ali the elect of God, from firfl: to L1ll: be gathered rof_;ether : if you ask whence ? and whither ? I anfvver.--- 1. To the queHion whence? from the four windu, from one enJ ofhe~~ven to another. (i.) From all parts ofrhe world, from Eait, and WeH:, and North, anrl. South, from one end ofheaven to anufher; a vulgar rerme, in re3ard of our iigh~ ; for in it felfheaven is- round, and hath no end ; the meanihg is, that not one . Saint in all the world from Adam to the lafl: man fhall be concealed, or lye hid; fro.m the mofl: hidden, inward, fecrer. bo- · ~qqqqq fome '·