.lC>H Book.V. Lookingrmto Jtf~· . Chap. I .Sect.3 - fome of the eanh all fhall be gathered; howfoever their dut.ls may be fcattered into a rhoufand thoufand parts, yet the power ofChriH fhall reflore all rhofe duHs,and bring them together into their fevqal compaet:ed bodies. . 2, To the queHion whether rhe.yfhaHbe gathered? Some fay to the Valley of rehofoaphiilt, from that Text, let the Heathen be 'P.'ak;11td, .. and come up to the Valley of 'f~hofoaphat, for tbe~e will I {it to judge_the Heathen round 11bout; bur. I beleeve thiS Text hath reference to a particular judgment of God upon lfraels e- - nemies which dwell round about 'ferufalem, and nor to the ~e- . neral day of judgmeni:. Others fay.to Mount-Olivet from that • n. · Text, thh-[11me 'fefus which is takgn upfrom yoH into heaven, jh11ll • .QI.I!ltll}I~ • . f: . /'/., h r. h' • h h j ocome m z,.g m11nn~r a1 JC aveJew tm go Into eav~n ; t m re- - tHrned they unto 'feru{alem from .the Mount cllilled Olivet . But 1 beleeve this Text fpeaks onely ofthe manner how ChriH fhall come, and not of the P.la.ce to which he fhall come. Indeed 'tis not probable that either the Valley of 'fehofoaphat, or the Mount of Olivet. can be [ufficient places to contain all the men that ever were, .are, .and.fhall be ; and therefore iHuch a thing _ can be derermined, I fhould rather appeale to that Text, then ' 1 The f. 4. 17, we which are il/ive atJd remai11; jh11ll be ctUJght up together with . them (that are.r.uifed) in the clotidJ, to meet the Lord in the ayre. When Chri£1: was askt this very que[lion,. where Lord! whither fhall th;;: Saints be gathered? where fhall the general judgment b:!? he anfwers, wkerefoever the b.ody ir. _thith~r will the Eaglet lu'te 17•31.- be tathered together. By the body, Chri£1: meant himfelf, and by the Eagles Chri£1: meant his eleCl:, becaufe their youth i> renew- · ed as the Eagles; now the eleCl: mull: refort to ChriH wherefoever he-is, and the ApoH:le is expreffe, th,tt Chriil- is in the ayre. and in the cli;uds : and-theref{)re thither muil: rhe elect: be gathered; they !11all b~ caught up by the holy Angels into the .douds, fo meet the Lord in the ayre. V.[c. O.my brethren, wh.1t fight's are there ! what changes, won~ ders, flrange face of things will be this day ? how is it that we . are not as frequent in the meditation ofthisfummons as [erome was, who as he thoughr,heard daylyrhat found, arife Je de11d dntL! come to judgment ? -rnethinks a fad and ferious coniideration of ~hefe pafl:1ges might keep us dofe tb Chrill:; come try a little, Ifm rhe hurryings of the day we are [o diilraetedthat ·we cannot · reach