Chap. I .Seti.3 Ls~king unt6:}tfus. Book.V. 1035 ----------------------------------------------------- reach the fpiritual part of a meJitation, yet in the evenina or mornina when all is Hill, or in the ni; ht-feafon when:all is quiet the~ labour to prevent the day of doome, [o realize it as if rh~n we faw Chri!l: in the clouds, fending his .A-noels on this errand, away, and bring hither all the men, and ~~omen in the world; and in the firft place gatqer my Saints together unto me; Adam, and Abr11ham, thofe fathers of the world and of the . faithful, let them fee all their children, and let all their children fee them, and bring them all to my Throne ; awaken rhe world, let themwho have flept in their graves, fo :ne thoufands ofyeares be now rouzed, and raifed. Imagine then, as if we heard the Trumpet of God founded by the Angels of God, and as the found of it waxed louaer and louder, that we faw rhe Moumaines skip like Rammes, and the little Hills like young Sheep. That we faw all the graves in Churches, or Churchyards, in Fields, or Plaines, or Sea~ fly open, we f:1yv all the bocies of the deJd beginning to Hirre, and to I\ and upon the· r fee t, and pref-.ntly the Angels comin~, and taking all the Saints upon th6r win3s, and To flying with them through the ayre till they came to the Throne, and judgment-feat of C.hriH: is it pofi.Jble that fuch a meditation !hould pa.G.e without fome tinet.ure of it on our fpirits? if my eares {hall hear that found, and if my eyes {ball fe~ thefe fights, is it not time for me to lay thek things ro heart, that I may be found faithful and we11-do· ing? as fure as I have thisbook in my hand I mull: be one of thofe that {ball hear the found of die Trumpet, and away I mull: t'ron:i the mouth of my grave, wherever I Jbatl be buried , to the cloud where ChriH doth fit; come then, how would I rife? as foul as a toad ? or as an Angel of Goa? 0 my God ! fet this home on my foul ! 0 where 'smy Lampe? and where~s my oyle ? are all ready? and am I ready, furniihed, and prepared to meet the Lord in rhe ayre ? Chriltians ! ifwe have any life in us, let us a..:l: ,md realize this to the life ; 0 this would keep us clofe to Chrifi , and to the Banner of Chri.ll:; who would not march under this Ba-riner , and adhere to him, tha! but reades over taefe fummons of foules at the lalt dreadful day? fl....q qq qq 2 s 1 c r: