BookV. Looking unto1efm. SECT. 4· · OfChri{t 111ndtbe Saints meeting at the judgment day . · 4. f 0 R Chrifl: and the Saints ~eering at the judgment day; . no fooner are the Saints hfted up, and fer before the Judge, but thefe things follow. --:- . ' · ~. They look, and gaze, and dart thm : and reBe.:.! · their glones on each ot~er. qh the c~mmymcanons ! oh the darrinas ofbeames betwixt Chrifl: and hisSamts ! look as when two adinirable perfons, two lovers meet together, rheir eyes fparkie, they look on, as if they would look through one another. SoC hrifl: and his Saints at firll: meeting, they look on , as if they would look throu,:;h one-another. And fuch is the effet't of there looks, th'ar they give a luil:re to each other by their looks. Did not Mofos f.Ke lnine when he h,td been with God ? and lhall not the faces of the elet! gfitter and Drine when Chri1r alfo?oaks on them? n~r (!:ayes it there ; ~ut as th~y thine by · Chnfl:, fo lhall their t11me reflect: on Chnrt, and give a glory to ChriH:; and' this I take it to be the me.ming of the Apoflle, 2. Tbef,J,IO, thllt when Chrift fball come, he foal! be glarified in his S11ints; not onely in himfelf, but in his Saints alfo; whofe glory as it colnes from him,fo it redounds alfo to him,for of him, and t'?rough him, and to him are all things. · , 2. They admire at the infinite glory, and beauty, and dignity, and excellency that is in Cllfilt. The glory rhey reflect on him is nothing to the glory that is in him. Oh when thefe Stars the Saincs Jball but· lo~k uponChriil: the Sonne of righreoufneffe, they exceedingly admir<!. So the ApofHe, when he jba/1 come, he jhall be glorified in his Saints, and he /hall be admired in all thtm that bcieew. All that beleeve !hall break out into admiration aThef.I,lO, J h h h fi r. h b h of efus C ri£1: : t ey {hall at r e r/1 ng t o ferve fuc J11 excellency in Jefus Chrifl:, as that they fhall be infinitely taken with\t : here we fpeak of (hriH, anrl in fpeaking we admire ; but how will they admire , when they fhall not onely fpeak or Heb.s. 3· hear, but fee and behold him who is the expreffe image of God, And the brighrneJ!e of hiJ Fttthers glory ? 0 the lufl:res that he cafis fcrth each w.1y! is not his very body moreJparklin3 than rhe . Diamond