Chap. x.Sect.4 Looking unto ::fe[t14: Book V. 1037 Diamond before'the Sunne? yea, more than the Sunne it felf<:: now Jbinin5 at noon-day ? how {hould the Saints but wonder at this light? oh there is more beauty, and glory in Jefus Chriit · than ever their thoughts or imaginations could pofEbly reach ; there is more weight of fweetneife, joy, and delight in· Jefus · Chriit, rh~n either the fe~ingeye, or ~earin:; rare, or. the vait xCor. ~.9. under(tandmg hum ( whtch ·can mulnply and adde fllll t6 any ·former thoughts) can poffibly con~eive: everr foul will cry out then,l beleeved to fee·much glory 111 Jefus ChnH, when ever I faw him; I had fome twili:;ht, or Moon-light glance~ of Chriit on earth ; but 0 blind I ! 0 narrow I l rhJt could never have f.1ith, opir;ion, rhou5ht, or imagin,uion to fathom rhe rhoufand-th<;>ufand part of the worth, and incomparable ·~xcellettcy dm I now fee in him. Why,this caufeth admiration, when we fee more thm ever we could expea; the _S,lints 111all then cry, out, and fay, I fee more, ten thoufand ume<; more than ev~r 1 expe6ted; I fee al! the beauty of God put forth in Chrilt, I . fee the fubitamial reflection of rhe FarherS' l~llt and glory in jefus Chri!t, I fee thoufands of excellencies in Jefus Chri!t that never were revealed to me before. This is the very nature .of admi.r,1tion; it is ever wondering or admiring at fome new or firange thing: the glory ofChrift vvill then exceed all former apprehen_fion. · 0 they admire .to fee the Ki_nz i~ fuch a be~uty, they adrmre to fee the Judge m fuch a glmenng and glonous robe. of Maje~;:y , they ad~nire , and they cannot but admire. . 3· They adore, and magnifie the grace and glory of Jefus Chrifl; as it is faid of rh>! twenty four Elders, th.n the7 fell d~wn hrfore him tht~t fate on the Throne, 11nd wsrfoipped him thAt liveth for ever and ever,and cfljf their-Crowns before theThrone,[.ii)ing,thou Rev. ~ ro. 11rt worthy 0 Lord to receive glory ,and honour 11nd pay,;·rr,for thou haft treated all thing!, and for thy pleafure theJAre and were created. So all the Sa'inrs, now <ldvanced ro come up to Chrifl, and to ltand before the Throne, they fall down before Chria, and they woribip him that lives for ever, fhouting and fiming about Jefus Ch <i:t,and ferring our his glory,gra"e,a11d goodnelfe. After this 1 beheld (faith 'john ) and lo 11 great multitude, which no man could number, ofttll N stions, and kindred, lind pe~ple, and tangues Rev.7. 9 • ftocd /Jefore the Thrc11e, 11nd /Jefore the Lamb - 11nd crJed with a f2..J qqq q 3 /•tid