Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

\ nook H. Chap. 1 .Sed. 9:- were the promifes made; he fayh not , and to feede.r as ofmany, bHt as of one 11nd , to thy feede .:wbich is Chrift. There is a qu_efiion whether this Co.venant here mentioned .was made onely betwixt , God and Chrift, or onely betwixt God and us , or bqth betwixt God and Chrift, Jnd betwi xt God and us. The occafion of this queftion is in thefe.words, Now to AbMham, _and his feed were the promifes made ,he faith not, and to feeds, M of many, but M of one, _and to thy feed which is Chri_jl-. I . Somearguehence, , .thatthereisnoCovenantor promife made to us, butonely to Chrift, ~r with Chrift, Chrift il:ood for us, and articled' with God _ for us, and performed the conditions for life and glory : fo that the promifes are- made all to him; yet this indeed is confeifed, that becaufe we are Chrifis, and are concerned in the Covenant, it is . therefore fometimes called a Covenant made with us ; I wilt . mak§ fl new Coven.1nt with the houfe of Jfrael, and with the _ houfe of [itdah ; not that the Covenant is really made with us, , but onely with Chrifi for us, and when we feele our felves under the power of.the promife, we begin then to know that we are in . that fame Co.venant. But this is rather (fay they) to 'feele oul' felves in that Covenant which God hath made with Chrift, then : to enter into Covenant with God our felves . ._ 2. Others argue.hence, that there is no Covenant or promife made with Chrift perfonall, but onely with Chrift myfiical, fuch who are members of.Cbrifi, a,nd fo united to Chrift; for mark the text (fay they) the promife is made firH to u4braham, tmd then to);is feed; this feed is fuch afeed as comes to bave right to the promife in order from Abrah11m; now this cannot be Chrift per. _ fonal, but Chriftmyfiical: · A,nd whereas the text fa yes, the promife i? nat made to feeds, but to one feed, which is Chrifl, they difiinguilb of a double feed of /!braham ; firft, there is a carnal . natural feed according to the fleili, and in this fenfe Chrift fpeaks to dl.ofe wicked unbeleevingJewes, which went about to kill him. I k._n~wye a:re Abrahams fred, bM ye feefzt~ kj!l me. Secondly, there is a fp iri tua! feed that walk in the faith and fteps of Abraham, kpow ye therefore that they which 11re of fa ith , the 'fmm nre the children of Abraham. And if ye be Chrifli, then ar~ ye A~ra~ams feed, and heires accordirJg to the promife ; now the p~om;fe ts made to Abraham and hu feed, not feeds; ( i.) not ro B~th feeds, both carnal and f,P.iritual, bu_t onely to the one,which - - . .. -- - - - ---- .. - ------- - ~~ .,