103& Book:V. 'LDoking unto 1efH4. ·Chap.t.Seet.:4 10. II , ll. Rev .19 7· loud voyc~, faying, .folvatien to our God, which Jitteth 11pon th~ Throne, and smto the Lamb; andall the Angels ftood round about the Throne, and about. the Elders, and :he foure Beafts, and fell before the Throneon.thm faces, and wor./btpped God, faJing, Amew blejflng, andglory, and wifdome, and thankfgiving, and honour', 11nd power, andmight be unto our God for ever, and ever. Amen. Saints and Angels will both give glory to Jefus Chri!t that day . every elect man will then acknowledge, here is ChriH that ihed his blood for me, here is the Saviour that laid down his life for me, here is the Sacrifice that gave.himfelf apropitiation for me -here is the Perfon that mediated, and inrerceded, and mad~ . · peace fer me, here is rhe Redeemer that delivered,and redeem- -ed me fr.om the wrath to come ;· and then they bezin rhofe Hallelujahs,rhat never never !hall have end:Hailelujah,and again · Hallelujah ; and Amen-Hallelujah; for the marri{l_ge of the Lamb iuome, and his wife hath made herJelf ready. . · 4· Chriit welcomes them into his glorious prefehce ; if ~he .Father could receive his Prodigal but repenting with hugges and kifles, how will Chriit now receive his Saints, when they come as aBride to the folemnization of the marriage? his very heart fprings (as I may fay) at the fight of his Bride; no~iooner he fees her, and falutes her, but he welcomes her vvith fuch words asthefe. Omylove, mydove, myfaireone, come now 111nd enjoy thy Husband, many a thought 1 have hadofthu, before I made the world, lfP.ent my infinite eternal thoughts 011 thyf.rlvation, when the world began I gave thee a promije, that I would hetroth thee unto me in righteoujnejJe, and in judgment, in loving-k.indnefJe , in mercy; and in faithfulne!fe; It was I that for thy fake was incarlUte, and lived, and dyed, and rofe again, and afcended, and fince my afcenfionthat have been interceding for thee, and makin; ready the Bride-chamb~rwhere' rhou and I mufl: live, for ever and ever: and now I come hither into the douds,to meet thee more than half the way;and my meaning is to take thee 'by the hand, and to bring _rhee to my Father ; now do I take thee for my own;O my Sifter,my Spoufe,thou arc as dear.to me as my own dear heart; come, f~e into my bofome, fee here· love written in the golden letters of free-grace ; come near, for I muit have thee with me ; and I will never more be fo fl. range to thee as to this day ; fometimes thy fmnes have made a wall of par-