Looking unt 0 1e{ 114 • Book.y. 1039 partition between me and thee; fometime.s I withdrewandw.1s oone, and I hid my[elf beyond the curtames ; and for a nme ~hou h.1!llayen hid in the doffetofrhe grave ; but now wee'Je never part more; anon I will bring thee to my F.:t rher, and I will fay to him,Father, behold here my Spoufe that I have married unto my klf; in the mean rime welcome to thy Jefus ; I have purchafed thee with my biood, I have paid dear for thee: andnow l 'Ie wear thee as a crown, and ornament for· ever. . . 5· ChritHets rhem on hini2hth.md; upon thyright handdoth Jfand the fi?..ueen ingold ofophir.v Thisis the figne of Chrifl:s love, Pfal.H ·9· · and refpe& to his Saints ; when he himfelf afcended vp into heaven, then faid the Father to him. ; Sonne, fit thou down at my right hand ; and no fooner the Saints are afcended up to Chri!t, but he fpeaks the fame to the ~n, Sit thou down at my right hattd; Chri!l emerraines them, as God the Father entemined him ; . he at the right hand of God, and they at the right hand of Chri£1: ; And herein is fet forth the great exalra- · cion of the Saints ; as Chri£1: being fet at Gods right hand, Go:l highly exalted him, and crave him a1wne above every name, fo now are the Saints highly exalted by jefus Chr-ilt, now are they filled with unmacchable perfe&ions, now is rhe .,.;Jf"'P.<t,the fulnefie ofperfettion,and fulnefieofhonourand glo- · ry conferred upon them;upon his right hand is Jet tb~ ~een in gold ofOphir,(i.)in the beLt,richeJl:,finefbgold;the Lord nm\• puts upon his Saints hea\'ens glory ; he adornes them with all his ornaments fit for the marriage day; and indeed here is the be- · ginning of the folemniry·of the marriage of rhe Lamb ; not but - that the contract was before, but the folemnity was refer:veJ for this day, and a!Irhe glory ofrhisday is for norhir1g elfe but to fer out the folemnity of the marriage. As rhe Bridegroom on the day of Nuptials comes forth in his glory, and as rhe Bride on the marriaoe-day comes forth in her beH array ; and as the fervam~, andparents, and friends,and all appear on the marriagc:- day 111 as much glory as they<an; [o Chri£1: on this day comes fo:th in his glorie, wi~h alf his Angels in their glory ; and the Sall1ts, the Lambs wtfe, the Kings daughter, is all glorious, Pfal.4) . q. withoHt .tndwithin. Though fl:arres may lofe their J11ining when . the Sunne.arifeth, yet the glory of the Saints ihall be no leffe ' becaufe