BookV. Chap.t.Sccl.4 becaufe ofrhe Sun of righteoufne!fe, but rather more. This is the day that Chriil: !hall honour hi,; Saints before all the world· come (will h~ fay) and fit you down at my right hand; as ~ ' Shepheard divideth his Sheep fro !.n the Goares, fo will' I fepal"<lte you from wicked reprobates, why you are they for whom the eternal councels of my Father did work, you are they in whom I am now to be glc<rified for ever; and therefore now will I exalt , and advance, and honour you ; lit h~re, or Hand here on 11ry rio,ht hand; 0 ~ome, come hirher ro the right hand of your Saviour. . 6. Hereupon ChriH fully and actually joyes in the•n, and they in him: he joyes in them, bec:tufe now he fees of the travail of his foul ; he fees rhe iJTue of all hi> doings and fufferings here on earth,he fees .now the great work he hath brought about, . to wit, the glory of his Saints; and he cannot but rejoyce therein. As a man makes a work that is very curious,_and glorious, he takes abundance ofdelight to look upon it; when God made the world, he look't upon what he m:tde, and he faw it was good, and he delighted in it; So Cbriil: looks on hiS' Sainrs, and when he fees what he h.1th done, in railing fo poor a worme to fo high an excellency, he takes infinite delight theriu; !}OW he fees rh,lt he h.1tb attained his end in great deflsne; and deepeH: counceb rhat he haJ before the w?rld: he was then refolved to [ave a number of linners,and to bmi_; them at la!t to himfelf that they might behold him in his glory, and tmnife£1: the riches of his grace ; and to that purpofe h,lth he Hill been carrying on the ~rear wonk of foules falvation, as we have heard ; and now he fees it accomplithed, and fulfilledinrhem, h'e muil:needsdelight; In that day it jbalthe Ephe( j. 17 , j111id to {erufal(m, fear thou not, and to ZiQn let not thy hands be j11int, f~r the Lord thy Go,d in the midft of theeis Mighty, he will [ave, he will rejoJce over thee with jrJ], he wilt reft in his love, he will j.rq.JJ.ver thee Jrith Jinging. An~f as he j :Jyes lQ them, fq they cannot bur rejoyce in him; ash~ delights in their glory, fo rhey cannot but delight in ·his slory·; are ch~y no~ at Chri~l:s right hmd? and is not rhat the place ofpleaCure, the parad1fe ofGod? in thy prefence u fulneJTe Pi.! me d. I.; ofjoy, and at thy right hand art pleafures for eTJermore: rhe very feuin;.rhem on Chrifts hand, is th.e beginnins of heavens joy. The