Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.x .sect.5 Louking tmto Jefm. BookV. 1 04·1 The prefen;e of Chrifl: makes joy_, exmJing joy fa!th (ude;. o~ )tide :4, but what JOY? what fulnefs of JOY? what exceedtng JOY wtll tt be to be fet at Chrifl:s right hand? now begins that joy, that ne. ver never fhaU have end. 0 the complacency which th-e bleffed feel in their feeing, knowing, loving, and being beloved of Jefus Chrift. 0 "lJ Chrift, let me have tribulation here, In me here fPend mJ dain in (orrow, 11na mJ /math i~t fighingJ; p1mijb me here; cut me in pieceJ here; burn me here; fo that I ma1 there be plttced at thJ right haHd, for then joy will come,and for• row will vaniili; for row is but for anight, this night of life; bur , joy will come in this morning of the refurred:ion1 and it ne. ver iliall be night again, · , - - ------------ SECT. ). f I Of Chrif/J {entencing hi4 SaintJ, 5· F 0 R Chrifl: fenrencing of his Saints; no fooner are they fet on his right hand , but he prepares for fentence; in the opening of which we mull: confider , 1. The preparativ.!~ 2, Thefentence it felf. 1. The preparative before fentence wilfbe fome explorati· on or trial of the pnties to be fentenced, as-- I· The Book mufl: be opened. ~nd !Jaw the dead, fmal/R.ev ,zo.u : tmdgreat, /}and before God, and the book.._s were opened, and another book_ W(/4 oprned which is the boo~ of life. It is fpoken after the manner ofmen, in wnofe publick Judgements are prod~ced aH ' the writings of the procetfe, informations, depofitions ofwit· nelfes, to fhew that ~11 actions, even the moft fecre~ ones, Gull then be: rehcarfed and made manifeft; v1H;,u(iine thinks thefe tAug.l ~o. booki to be the books of the Old and N~w Tefl:lmenc, where- de civitare Dei. in all things either to be done, or omitred , are prefcribed by '"P ·1 +· God : and then ilia II thefe books be opened, becaufe according to them ilia II fentence be given; in that da1 Goa (h4/ljudge the R 9 m ~.r6. (ecrets of men VJ JefuJ Chrifl ar:cordint to m1 Go!Jul, Origen . and almofi all with him , think thefe books to be the books of ~tg Com ad our confciences, which now are /hut up, and concealed from om.14 ' • ,Rrrrrr men,