1)~4~ Rook.V. Chap.t.Seet; )' R.e v.t3~8• Ifa.·4l H· ·-44·~ .. 3Pv17• men, but then fhall be made roanifdl to all the world, whatfoever chofe books are, we find here one book opened which is proper to the Saints, called the book. .o/ life; This book con rains . in it the names of all that are elected from firft to !aft; Thou JIJhn;& thou Jo[ephs& thou 'Judeth; & thou Mo~ry;& thouE/ha• feth, &c. you are all book'd down; there is the particularity, and tht:re is the certainty ; your nilmes are written in heaven, re• joyce in it ;. oh what is the joy of Saints when once they fee this . book opened and their names inrolled,ingraven there in lmers . of glory. This very book dears it to me, that God from all .eternity made choice of a particular and determinate number of perfons, to fave them; and that none other can be faved, . but thofe who wer¢ fo elected, and whofoever arc fo elected, they iliall not fall away. . All that ~orfoip the Beafl,their names · Are II!Jt 'Written in the book of life of the Lamb, fro'f) the foundation of the world. On the other fi~e , he that overcometh,the famefoa!J 6e written in the book._of life, and I 'Will not blot out hU name, hut I wilt &onfeffe hu nt~me hefore my F-ather ~tnd hefore hi1 Angell. This is the day when that book of life lhall be opened, and Chrift !hall read the names of every elect perfon before God and Angels; not that Ch rift needs a book , or indeed reads a name , but that his election ftands fo firm, that he knowes every preddlinated Saint as well , as we know their names, whom for our memories we commit unto our books; and then he will fo honour his Saints , -that he will pub!ilh their names . to all the world. 2. All the actions, demeanoprs, graces, dudes, and (i.t may be) fins of Saints fiull be produced, and laid open; the h.oly Ghoft te:ts us, that the aet~d 'Were judgedout of iho(e thingJ ~hich were writ ten in the boo'<f. lc appears hence , that not onely names, but thing~ were wriiten,and thefc things were produced; ancl.acc ordingly they were judged. '· As· to evil things, unfruitful works ofdarkne fs. It is a ' quefti on, and I dare not be too pofi ,iv.: in it, vi~. whether tbejinJ of Gods people foal/ b: m~mifeft at the d4J of J udgtmtnt? fome are for •he negative, becaufe God in his promifes fpeaks fo exp refly offorgiving iniquities, ofremcmbril'lg thtrn no more, ofh/ottlng them out, of throwing them ixto the l10tt 11me ofthe Se.- 1 of cafting thtm behind hid b~ck.; in which refpea fay - · · they ,