Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Loo!ting unto 1ift~~, Bo6ic V. 1043 they, the godly are faid not to come into Judgemmt, I fuppofe Joh.p4. this Iall: Text is ill urged, for by Judgment Is not meant di.fcuffion, but condemnation; and in our heft tran£1acions fo it is rendred; others are for th e: affirmative, upon th'efe ground$. 1, Becaufe many of the godly and wicked mens fins are ming· led together, and there cannot be a Judgement of ~ifcuffion, preceding that ofcondemnation, unldfe godly mens fins are al· fo produced. 2. Becaufe it ig fpoken generally in ref peel: of all forts that the Gdoks Wer4 opened; by which books moll: underfl:and the confciences of me'h, and by the opening of thofe books, they underiland the manifefting, clearing, and dlfcover· ing of confciences at that general day. 3· Becaufe the Scriptures are exprelfe for the affirmative; not but that thofe Texts are truths that fins are forgiven, blotted out, thrown away, to /;e'r.t- • l memb;ea no more; (i.) as to condemnation; for el(plo- · ration or difcuffion the Lord fpeaks univerfally, that of'e'ver'f Manh;u. 3 ,, idle word that men [pea~, thq jh,n give An account thertof at the - -- daJ of[ud!,tment. If the ballaace weigh down on this fide (fol-- my part I am not peremptory , but lhall eafily fubmit to 'the fpirirs of the Prophets) yec this manifefl:ation lhall not be for the lhame, grief, trouble, ignominie, or confufion of the godly; but onely for the (etting up ofGods jullice,& tbat the goodncfs and free grace ofGod in Chrifl: may be made more illullruous; how will Chri!l then be exalted , when all the world lhall fee his righteonfnefs and goodnefs, his truth and mercy, now again meeting together, and kiffing each other? it was {oat his firfl: coming,and it wil be fo at his (econd coming;tben lhal his jufl:ice and mercy, his righteoufnefs and goodnefs be manifefl:.ed to all ; in by. his own. mer.its, notw:ithllanding thetr fins , he Will bnng all hts Samts to h1s heavenly glory. · · 2. As for good things,whether good works,duties or graces~ there i5 no quefiion but all thefe will be that day produced and la~d opea, I. We fee Chrifl: enumrrating the good Workt of them on his right hand ; for I 'RiM an hungred, ana ye gave \ me meat; I WtU thirfty, andye gave me drin~; I wtU 111 Jlranger, alla 1e took me in; naked, And ye cloMhed me; fick.... and ye vifittel me; Mat\]1 Z).J f in prifon, and Jt came unto me. _Jt is true in this catalogue we 1.6. ' ~nd nothing of faith, bot all of works; but certainly faith is in- · R r r r r r 2. eluded,