Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

1044- BookY. Chap.I.Sett-s : 1 Cor, S,7, PhiLI. 9, 1 TheiT.).U• cludcd;as the,life of the Tree is incJuded in the fruit; not on~Jy nor principally are works.herc memion~d for the goodnefs. of t~e work .contidered in it felf; but as thefe works did exprelfe our faith and love to Jcfus Chrifl, in that we could fee Cbrifl: in a po.or beggar, or prifoner, and could love Jefus Chrifl jn the{e poor, better than all our, ~ordly goods, or-li-- berties. I .do not wonder that PAul advifeth his Corinthia'iis,. · foe that J' abosma in thid grAce of contribution to the Saints : . and that he prayeth his Philippians, eAnJ thu I prteJ th11t Jollr /Qvt ma1 AboHnd.yet more ; And that he praycthfor his Thelf<t· Ioniam,now the L ord m~tke you co incnafe,& .to abound.·in love one towards another,and to~ards all men1 and char he praifeth· : )"~:tr, 1 , 3, God in their behalf, we are bound to than~ G11d A!rrareifor yo11 1 hrethren, IH it U.m.tet, btcaufo thAt grtJ'n'tlh.tXU.fdinglJ; lft}d the charit] of.every one of yoll-.clJ torr~traJ tAch other abound~th, C.hrifiians ! .if we did but confider that every duty done to God or Man, that every penny given to a poor naked Saint, that · - eve-r-y cup of cold water given co ·a Prophet in the name of a Prophet fhould not lofe his reward ; bur .this day. lhould be reckoned up, or drawn (as it wer e) _i nto a full Invcnc01y; 111·, for .thu,pitee of filver g~vtn {uch 11 da1 111 (Ncb a one, Item~ f9r thit piece.of br.ead (uch 11 da7 tivtn to fuc/, a one, &r~ Oh who would;not abound in faith and love? oh .who would think any thing too much , too good , .too dear to give to tbe needy members,of J efus Chrifl: ? there is a charge laid upon Minifl:ers to preach this Dpdrine , I befeech you give me leave r Tim. 6, 17, t<;> difch:rge my duty, and to hy it, and leave i~ at your doors, 18 ...W· where beggars ufually fiand ; charge. thtm 1hat are rich in thil· \\lor/d.--that.the] do good, thttt they be rich in good l\>orkJ, read] to diflribute, Pi!Jing to cnmmunicatt ; !aJing 11p ;n ftore for thtm[elvtJ a good foundation againft thetime to come, that they mAJ lay hold on tttrnal life. You to whom,God hath·given the riches of thii world, as you would meet Chrifl: with comfort, · le$rn this lelfon; confider whether of chefe too reckonings· will .be more comfortable at that day; Item·, fo much given to fuch and fuch a religious ufe? or fo much given towards fuch a Feafl:, and for the entertainment of fuch brave gallants? fo mpch to promote the Gofpel ? or fo much at dice, cards, borfe-· raFes,? if one fuould tell yo,u, that either you m.ufl: feed Chri!l: · in