Chap.I.Sect.~. Book v. I04S in the poor, or lou muft' fbrve in hell; you mull either cloath m,ked Chrill iifJthe poor, or you mufi be laid .naked to the fiery indignation ofthe Lord for ever, oh what llr1~nefs would you c·all this? but I recoiled-my felf; if Chrill fee you at his right hand ; he wiH th·en recount all your charities , and all your labour!i of love to the Saints :you th'at are poor, and bad nothing to give, he will cell you ofyour good works, if it was no more, but at fuch a time 1 you calf amice into his T reafur4', and at fuc·ha time you carried a Letter for the Lord Jefm ; he will pro· d.Uce and commend thcfe pittances of your poor clurities to all the world. ' 2. Nor onely-good work~ to man; but all che Saints dutie' to God ·{hall come in remembrance. Oh then it will be . known who ferved the Lord in fpirit and truth , and who did not ; then Men and Angds lhall know, fuch ada] thi1 poor Saint .performed (Hch "fPiritH4t ferviu; every prayer in publick or pnvate1 every t~ar lhed for fin, every fob,. or figh, every fpiri· tual meditation, or (elf-examination, every glance, ejaculation, or lookjng up unto Jeft~~,-lhall be recounted by J efus: [twas faid Actio.,., of Corr.elisu,tbac as wei hit prtqerJ toGod,as hu alm1 to men came up for a memorit~l before God; certainly every duty in reference to tbefirll table is booked in.Jieaven, & at this day the book being opened, it will appear 1 'dlat fuch a prayer thfu madeft fuch' a , morning, and fuch an evening in thy clofer; and now will Chrifi Mat.6 6. · fay , did not I tdl thu, that if thou wouldfl pr>~J to t.hJ Fat her in focret, thm he thdt (;~w thee in ftcret , foould reward thee otxnly!. n'bJ xo\V foalt thou h~tve rby rt~:Mra in" full vieW, I will di.., Ymlge bere a/J th] [tcrel duties, to Men 11nd Angd1; all the World {lJJl/ know it, tiJ] wandringJ 1 told them , ~tnd th;• p{\J,s6.8·, · tearJ l6ottleathnn, lo here ·, are they not t~llrN-itten i11 m7. book_? 3· Nor onely duties>but graces fball now be rehearfca; thy knowl,cdge fai!h, hope, love, fpiritual joy; thy fear, obedience, repentance, humilitie, meeknefs, patience, · zeal, perfeverance lhlll be fully difcovered; time was that in the incenfe of fucb a praier m1.ny fweet fpices were burned together; therein was faicb working by love; therein was humilitie, therein was pa• tience infubm itting w Go4s will and pkafure, thereinwas hope of a gracious anfwer ia Gods·due time, therein was holindfe'~ btokcnnclfe of heart, and love to others, &c; T imrwas (faith R r rr r r 3 , ,Chrifi) j