Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

.. eam. ,.. r. Ohrift) that I g~Jtheretlmy m;rrhe with my jpicn , tlw 1 ate my honer comb with rr;y holll'f, that 1 b,rh acccptd lind J.elighttd my [tlf in thy heavenly graces; I foal! ne t• er forget hoW thou d;dft ra• vijh my heart, my [ifter, my ffiou{f; bow thou doft t4'1,'f'h nq heart with tme of thine ties, and with o11e chain of thy nrrfv Why, thus :Gull the .Lord fet forth, and tell all the world what gracious children he had; then will appear indeed the meeknefs of Mo[e1, the faith of ~brAham, the patience of rob' the zeal of Phinuu the love M M111gdakne; and according to the meafure of grac~ .conferred upon thee, Cbrift will fee tbee out; we commend the grttm of [uch 11nd[Hch SAints at their death, bHt oh let Chrift bla._ .;(;,on me, and hid gr111c11 in me lilt the refurreaion-day. Thus far for the exploration or trial before fentence; ·~ 2.For the fentc:nce it felf,then £hal the King fay to them on his Mat.:tS,14,j right hand, 'Come ye ble[Jed ofmy FAther, i11herit the Kingdome preparedfor you from the [rmnd111tion ofthe world. Every word here ·is full of life and joy ; . 1. Come J this is the Kings invitation of ~ his Saints to his Court; he had fummoned them before to his prefence, and now they are about him, he will not part with them, they mull: come a little nearer yet,tbey mufi go with him into his prefence-chamber; the mlnfions are ready, the Supper of the Lamb is ready, and now he begins the folemn invitation to his bride, Comt, z, Comt ye b!ef!ed of my Father.] Chrift blef. fed them when he went up to heaven, and whiles yet on earth Luk,6.2~. 21. he pronounced them bleffed many a time, 'Bltffed be 7e poor, 'Blef{ed are ;e that limnger; Blejftd,art ye that wup.; but now ne calls them the bitffed fJi his Father ; not onely Chrift, but Go,,d the Father hath ever looked upon them as his children ; it is the Fc1thers will as well as that they fhould be blefi'ed, Luk.1 ~.3 ~. ye !J/effed of my F ar/m. 3· l11herit the King.Come.] Chrill: had rold them before, it is your Fathers pleill(ure to give you the • Kingaomt, but then they were onely as fervants, or as children under agr, but' now they are heirs, heirs of Goa, and joint }Jeirl with Chrifl; and now they are come to full age, lo-t he meafure of tht ftature of the ftdnefje of Chrift ; and therefore they mull: have the inheritance in poffeffion; they muft all be Kings; this very word fpe:.~ks them Kings, and makes them King1; it is the folemn roronation oft he Saints. lr is the anointing, the (etcing 1. Tim+s. of thtcrown upon the heads of the Saints; henceforth there id - laiil