Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap~I.Secr.6 Looking unto ;_feftU. Book. V. 1047 /;1id up for me a &roltn ofrightoufnefs,'Which theLord the righuau Judge fh:~ll give me tzt that day , tmd not for me onely, lm; Mlto them a!fo thflt love hiJ 11ppearing. 4· Inherit the Kingdome, prep~tredfor you]asTophet was prepared of old,fo was t~i1Kingdom prepared of old; it .was the fir{l: creature that ever God made, In the beginning God ~rtllttd heavm ; his firft work was to make Gen 1, r; heaven for himfelf and his Saints to dwell in; he prepared it for · them, and then be prepared them for it ~ but why for them? were not the Angels the fir£1: creatures that polfelfed it ? nay, 1 were they not created in it, or together with it? yes ; but yet the Angels are not properly the heirs, fons, members, fpoufe of God and Chri£1:, lis the Saints are ; the Angels are but minifiring fpirits, and the fervants of the Bridegroom, but the Saints are the Bride her felf, heirs, and coheirs with Chrifl. 5. Prepared for you from the foundation of the WorJJ, J This was the great defign of God and Chrifi from all eternuy ; before the foundations of the world , and at the firfi fionc laid, and ever fince , they have been carrying on this mighty work; it is not a buGnefs. of yefierday onely; No, no; the eternal thoughts of God have been upon it, he h11th chofen min him be- Epb 1 , fore the formdlltions of the world. ' '4 • Oh what thoughts are in Saints , when this fcnrence is propounded 1 oh what joy enters into them now they are co ~::n­ ' ter into their Ma!lers joy? methinks if it were poffible that ·tears could be in a glorified eftace • the Saints lhould not fee Chrifi rea'h out a crown co fee it on their heads , but they fuould weep, and hold away their hea~s, But Chrift will have it fo. ; Thi1 honour have all th~ Saints; prai{e ye the Lord. ---....... ------~~__.----- S E C To 6, . Of C hrifl and tht SaintJ judging the rtfl of the world. 6. F 0 R Chrifi and his Saints judging the world : r.o fooner fha.ll the S1inrs be fentenced, jufiified, acquitted , anointed , crowned ; but prefently they mu£1: bee ~nthrQniztd and fit with Jefus Chrift to judge the ·- - - ---- - world~'·